Part 40 - Broken...

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*On a Loud Speaker*

"Caution all tourists or anyone coming back from a long holiday away there have been massive changes to the world around. Over the past week there have been bombing and guns and sings of a World War 3. It is very sad to say that many people have been lost and buildings have been knocked down by boulders all over America staring off here in LA. it began in Beverly Hills and Hollywood slowly moving across the whole of America. It started specifically at (the why Don't We house address) at 1:00 in the morning. Reports were found that everyone in that house hold are missing. They either ran away or a killed. We all would advise using the underground tunnels to transport around. It is a very dangerous life we live in especially now. Be careful!"

Melody: ARIEL?! IS SHE OK!?
Jonah: We need to get home now!
Daniel: we need a car.
Corbyn: What the hell happened here.

We all got in the cab and told it to get to our house as quickly as possible. When we arrived home we saw nothing but remains. Rubble. Everything other than an actual home.

I collapsed on the floor crying.
Everything was gone

Jonah: What are we going to do?
Zach: we have nothing left.
Jack: Look around you.
Corbyn: nothing.
Daniel: what happened to this world.
Melody: since when could someone be so cruel?
Zach: they're still going
Jack: is no one trying to stop it?
Jonah: everyone's watching they're whole country being destroyed but by bit.
Corbyn: And they sit there like it's an everyday thing?
Melody: Like it was expected to happen.
Niamh: like it was the story of our lives.
Niamh: I managed to escape.
Corbyn: and what about?
Niamh: I hate to tell you this
Melody: no!
Niamh: I- I couldn't save her

Everyone just cried like no one was watching.

Melody: teddy? Sparkle?
Niamh: *she looked down still crying*
Melody: OMG WHY US?!??
Corbyn: no one can ever find peace in the life?
Jonah: since when was hate a thing
Zach: why did it come this far
Jack: just why.


We all turn around at the smash of glass. We all watched the airport made entirely of glass shatter to pieces and fall to the ground.

Daniel: we need to stay strong.
Melody: we need to hide.
Jonah: you won't be able to run in this rubble
Corbyn: why would we need to run?
Jack: I don't see any danger at this precise moment
Zach: well not to warn you but look up.

We all looked up and all we saw was a bolder released from a massive plane heading straight towards us.

The thought going through my head were piles and piles.
Why do we deserve this?
Who did this?
What is going to come out of this?
When is is going to end?
Will it ever end?
Is this the end?
Is this the last time I stand foot on this earth with a beating heart?
Will it be worth it for the enemies in the end?
Is it only in America?
Will it travel the world?
The last thing I thought was why now? Why ever?

Melody: I love you guys!
Corbyn: I love you!
Jonah: I love you!
Niamh: I love you!
Jack: I love you!
Daniel: I love you!
Zach: I love you!
Everyone: I LOVE YOU!!!

There was no way we would be able to run quick enough so we all stood in a circle huddled and closed our eyes.

We said our last words, thought our last thought and took our last breath.

The world was destroyed and left everyone's lives broken...

(Authors note - please read)
Hey guys!
I hope you enjoyed this story!
Thank you so much for reading this!
Tell me your opinions on it in the comments I'll appreciate it :)
Once again thank you! Byeeeee! ❤️

Update: this is not the end. Read on for details.

Broken: A Why Don't We fanficWhere stories live. Discover now