PART 26 - Wedding Plan

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~At the end of Tour~

Wow! Tour went so quickly! I enjoyed travelling the world with my best friends and fiancé. During the tour when we had time me and Corbyn organised a wedding soon to come. We decided on the perfect place and the perfect time. It was about 4 months till the wedding tho and we still had plenty to do: I had to get a dress, all my accessories, a hairstylist and makeup artist, Corbyn had to get his suit with the boys, we had to hand out invites and a lot more. A wedding is hard work so we need to make it worth it.

I was just standing on my balcony out side my room back home at the Why Don't We house looking at the stars. That's when I felt arms wrap around be. I looked back to see Corbyn. He wrapped his arms around me and I held his in mine.

Corbyn: hey babe, what are you doing?
Melody: just counting the stars
Corbyn: cool, why?
Melody: because each star to me, represents my feelings. *i point at a star* that one. That ones the biggest. That represents happiness; how happy I am for everything I've been given.
Corbyn: aww that's sweet what other ones are their?
Melody: excitement, affection, kindness, friendliness, helpfulness, worthiness and the smallest one, that's sadness.
Corbyn: what are you sad about?
Melody: I still miss my mom. Everyday I think about how helpful she was in saving my life. I couldn't thank her enough.
Corbyn: Melody, all these stars may be your feelings but look at the moon, the moon is your mom. She's always there, whether you can see her or not and she always feels your feelings but always knows away to make herself shine brighter so you forget about the sad feelings and remember that she's always there.
Melody: *i began tearing up*
Corbyn: I love you.
Melody: I love you too, let's go to bed.

We went to bed all snug and slept all night.

~2 Months Later~

It's been 2 months since we planned the wedding meaning only another 2 to go. I've already booked a make up artist and hairstylist and looked at dresses. I have bought a few accessories but still have more to get and I've heard that the boys have all bought their suits. Today is the day I decide on the dress ummm going to be wearing. I've been stuck between a few but I believe I have picked the one with the most meaning. The dress I am going to pick up is a big floaty white dress with lace in places.

Wedding dress:

 I thought it was really pretty and I know Corbyn will too

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I thought it was really pretty and I know Corbyn will too. The boys are coming with me to see if it's good however Corbyn is staying home with Eben to play fortnite as he is forbidden access to any photos.

Later after everyone was up and ready we left for the wedding dress professionals. One we arrived it's like they knew we would arrive as the already had the dress set up. The boys went and sat down with niamh and Alicia who I invited along and I went aside to put on the dress. everyone was waiting impatiently and were blindfolded before I came out. I walked out and stood on the platform. After 3 their blindfolds were removed and they stared in what I hoped was amazement.

Jonah started tearing up making me tear up too. I did a little spin and everyone gave their opinions.

Zach: you look amazing!
Daniel: absolutely phenomenal
Alicia: I-I don't know what to say
Jack: wow, omg you look terrific
Niamh: how did I deserve such a hot best friend
Jonah: I- I'm s-speechless. My little sister is all grown up. You look wonderful.
Melody: thanks guys! What do you think Corbyn will think?
Jonah: he'll cry as you walk down the aisle knowing how lucky he is.
Melody: aww, ok, I definitely want this one.
Assistant: you are aware this is $15,450?
Jonah: I'll pay
Melody: JONAH!
Jonah: my little sisters growing up, getting married! I've got to help you out!
Melody: but that was $15,450
Jonah: it's ok. I love you
Melody: I love you too.

I got home and hid the dress somewhere special before heading back downstairs to Corbyn and Eben smashing Fortnite with kills here and there.

~Over the next 2 months~
Over the next two months our lives consisted of making and giving away invitations inviting everyone we knew to the wedding. Corbyn and I were going to be getting married on a private beach, especially for weddings so it had a marble aisle so the brides dress didn't get covered in sand. Jonah was going to be walking me down the aisle, daniel was going to be the priest and Zach and jack were the ring bearers. The bridesmaids were going to be Niamh and Alicia. The bridesmaids were going to be wearing long burgundy dresses.

We also invited people like Mine and Corbyns close family, Our friends, including the boys' family And a few other friends of ours

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We also invited people like Mine and Corbyns close family, Our friends, including the boys' family And a few other friends of ours. We didn't invite many people due to the fact that we were at a private beach and don't want anyone we can't trust posting anything on social media. We'll tell the fans that it's today but not where we'll be getting married or where the party is. The whole thing will be recorded and posted on the band YouTube account. I was so excited for the special day.
Other than preparing all the stuff for the wedding most of the time everyone would relax and we would watch a film or something. If we weren't staying in we would be out getting food or going to the mall.

~Many days later~
Wow it's gone so quickly! I can't believe it's today! Today is the day I will not be just the girlfriend or fiancé to the love of my life. I'll be his wife...

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