PART 31 - Ariel-Mae Besson

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~a few weeks later~

Melody: OMG HELP!

I was laying in bed and I started getting these intense pains in my stomach.

Melody: Corbyn wake up!
Corbyn: Melody what's wrong!!??!
Melody: I think I'm in labour!

It was 1 in the morning and everyone was asleep. Until they heard me screaming. The boys rushing in.

Corbyn: one of you go start the car! Another get the bag! Another help me with melody! Last one just get in the car!

Everyone was rushing around. I was soaked. Corbyn and Daniel helped me downstairs and into the car as quick as possible. Jonah had started the car and jack grabbed the bag for the hospital.

Corbyn: your going to be ok
Daniel: it only takes 10 minutes to get to the hospital.
Jack: ten minutes of pain tho, hurry up
Zach: jack your not helping
Jonah: and I can't go any faster I'm going to speed limit.

We arrived to the hospital and I was rushed to a room. Corbyn came with me and the boys waited in the waiting room. I was changed into pregnancy clothes and put on a bed.
Corbyn held my hand and I squeezed in whilst I pushed.

~20 minutes later~

Midwife: she's here!

I took my baby from the midwife and held her in my arms. She was crying but the more I spoke to her the less she cried and looked at me. Bright blue eyes. She had a lot of hair which was really blonde. She was and angel.

Corbyn: what are we going to name her?
Melody: I don't know, are we allowed to have the boys come in?
Midwife: yeah sure I'll get them.

The boys came in and awed at the sight.

Melody: we would like your ideas on the name?
Jonah: can I hold her?
Melody: yeah here

Jonah took her from my arms.

Jonah: wow she's beautiful, just like her parents. Zach: She looks like an mermaid.
Jack: like a princess.
Daniel: A mermaid princess... wait I've got it! Ariel!
Corbyn: omg that's an amazing name! I love it!
Melody: I love it but I want to add something to it.
Everyone: what's that?
Melody: Mae, Ariel-Mae Besson

Jonah looked at me like he was about to cry. He knew what I was talking about and he was going to be crying even more after I tell everyone why.

Jack: that's an amazing addition but why mae?
Melody: because it reminds me of my brother, jonah.
Zach: how?
Melody: I used to call-
Jonah: she used to change our surname to mae for short so no one knew who we were talking about when we said mae. It's like a secret identity.
Daniel: that's so cute
Melody: there's more to why I want to call her that tho. And it's why I'm wanting to call her it. Jonah, he's an amazing person, as you know *i started crying* but ever since I was a baby my mother never wanted me and Jonah was always the one to take care of me. He's been there for me all the time and I had no clue that someone could be so thoughtful. And I want Corbyn and I's daughter to represent the family.

I looked up and everyone was crying, even the midwife.

Midwife: what a lovely name Ariel-Mae Besson. Born December 1st 2017 and 1:27. If you would like to write all details answering all questions in the red book we will send that to you with her birth certificate in about a week or 2.

The boys were all handing Ariel around and Corbyn just sat next to me and hugged me until it was his turn.

Corbyn: I'm so proud of you.
Melody: I'm proud of you too.
Daniel: Corbyn?
Corbyn: yeah

Daniel handed Ariel to Corbyn and he looked her in the eyes. He began crying.

Corbyn: hey baby, your really pretty. I know you'll grow up to be an amazing person and I can't wait to see you grow. You look like a princess. A mermaid and truly magical. I love you so much.

The boys looked at Corbyn, Corbyn looked at me and then I looked at the midwife.

Midwife: you are free to go, but be careful.

We left later that day at around 7:00 and went home. Everyone was tired due to waking up at 1 and going to sleep late last night not know what today was going to be.

When we were home i decided to put ariel in front of me, still in her car seat as we watched a film together. We put on the notebook and watched it. Whilst watching it I cried at the sad parts and Corbyn wipes my eyes every time I did. He hugged me tight as we watched the movie. After the movie had finished Ariel surprisingly wasn't awake. She didn't wake up to the sound of sparkle and teddy either. So everyone decided to go to sleep too.

About and hour later I was woken up by Ariel crying so I took her out of her car seat and went into the kitchen to make her a bottle. After I made her it I sat back down and fed it to her whilst watching whatever was on the tv.

About 5 hours later at 10pm Ariel was back to sleep so I went upstairs and put her in her bed. I went to get in mine right next to it later feeling someone else crawl in. Of course it was Corbyn.

Corbyn: I heard Ariel Crying and decided to come join you up here after you came up.
Melody: are the boys still downstairs?
Corbyn: no, they woke up too and decided to move to their rooms.
Melody: oh ok, well I think I'm going to get some sleep it's been a long day.
Corbyn: same
Melody: goodnight
Corbyn: goodnight

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