PART 30 - Bella & Harry

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When we arrived back in LA it was 4 in the morning and we went back being as quiet as we could so we didn't wake up the boys... who we thought was asleep.

(Jonah's P.O.V)
~after melody and Corbyn left for their honeymoon~

Jonah: Alright Guys, before we go to sleep I have an idea for a surprise for melody and Corbyn when they come back home and I wanted to tell you now so we can get everything organised.
Daniel: and what's that?
Jonah: well when Melody and I were younger at school, she had a friend called Bella that moved schools as she left the country to live in Ireland. And Corbyn once told me that his adopted brother named Harry went out to fight for war and that Harry was like a best friend to him. They always used to hang out until he left to fight and that's when Corbyn found us. (I am aware that Corbyn doesn't have an adopted brother named Harry. It's for story purposes) Melody has always been best friends with Bella and she still is. One day I managed to get her phone and tell Bella to message me to organise for her to come and surprise Melody. And the other day we had a letter arrive in the mail from the military saying that Harry had finished his course and no longer had to fight. So I found Corbyns phone and messaged Harry as well and they are both going to be arriving on a plane in the next couple days to surprise Melody and Corbyn when they come back home.
Jack: Damn Bro! You have been working.
Zach: that's so sweet but are we going to make it all special.
Daniel: maybe we can have a little party.
Zach: yeah! Also how long are they staying?
Jonah: Bella is only staying for 2 weeks after they get back and Harry 2 and a half.
Jack: ok so I guess we should get to sleep and get everything sorted over the next couple of weeks

~back to present time~

I heard the car pull up and I told everyone to get ready. Bella and Harry were behind us and there was balloons everywhere.we invited Niamh and Alicia over too to join us and they stood at either end by jack and daniel. We decided we were going to have a 10 person party at 4 in the morning.
At first when melody and Corbyn walked in we made it seem like only me, Daniel, Jack, Zach, Niamh and Alicia were going to have a party until...

Everyone: SURPRISE!!!
Melody: OMG!
Corbyn: You did all of this for us?
Jonah: well yeah it was my idea.
Melody: it's like and 8 person party at 4 in the morning.
Corbyn: this house is-
Zach: actually
Jack: there's more.
Daniel: yeah more...
Alicia: After 3
Niamh: 1...
Jonah: 2...
Everyone: 3!

Melody ran towards Bella in tears and hugged her tightly.
Bella: I MISSED YOU TOO MELODY! I can't believe your in my arms right now!
Melody: I can't believe your here!

Corbyn stood staring at Harry before going over to his hugging him as tight as possible. He was in so many tears. It was a moment in life I will never forget.

(Melody's P.O.V)
Melody: how long are you guys going to be here?
Bella: Only 2 weeks
Harry: 2 and a half weeks.
Corbyn: plenty of time to have some fun then.
Jack: yep, starting with this "party"
Zach: lets go!

We partied till we couldn't anymore.
I talked to Bella about Corbyn and I's marriage and my baby on the way. Bella and Harry spent the rest of the day with us going out to show them around and later left to go to their hotel.
The next two weeks I got to spend so much time with my best friend Bella again and we had so much fun. Her and Harry were able to meet our dogs, teddy and sparkle and they loved them. I was sad to see her leave but it had to happen one day. We went to the airport and dropped Bella off.

Melody: Bella, I'm going to miss you
Bella: me too, I had so much fun talking to you again
Melody: and spending time with you
Bella: yeah, and 2 more things.
Melody: go ahead
Bella: 1 I hope everything with the baby goes well
Melody: thank you, and 2?
Bella: 2 is that friend Daniel of yours single? Cause he's really cute and stuff...
Melody: oh Bella, you haven't changed it's amazing. Yes he is, here take his number I'll tell him later.
Bella: awww i love you!
Melody: I love you too but please don't hurt his feelings, I'll tell him the same if he's interested because he's like a brother to me.
Bella: I won't, I promise.
Everyone: BYEEE!!!

Bella left and caught her flight home. We began walking out of the airport and I walked over to Daniel, walking next to him.

Daniel: hey Mel, what's up?
Melody: umm well I wanted to tell you something
Daniel: I wanted to ask you something too, you first.
Melody: well Bella thinks that your really cute and she likes you so I gave her your number and I hope you don't mind.
Daniel: no way-
Melody: yeah, and what did you want to ask me?
Daniel: I was going to ask you if i could have her number because I thought she was cute.
Melody: omg I ship it already and yeah why not but please don't hurt her feelings because she's my best friend. I told her too because your also my best friend well I'm just going to to call you my brother cause you are like that to me but yeah I don't want any of you getting hurt.
Daniel: I won't, dot. Worry sis *he smiled at me*

I walked over to Corbyn and he put his arm over my shoulder. I locked my hands with his and we walked to the car and went back home.

We spent the next 3 days hanging out with Harry until he had to leave. After he left we went home and watched films. All cuddled up on the sofa with big blankets . Me and Corbyn on the end with Jonah next to me daniel next to him then jack and Zach. Teddy and sparkle laying on top of us. After about 4 hours of film watching everyone was asleep. All 6 of us on the couch cuddled up next to each other.

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