PART 37 - FortNite

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(Ignore the fact that I have spelt fortnite wrong multiple times it auto corrected and I was too lazy the change it)

>1 Month and a half later<


I heard my phone go off and checked the message I had just received. Me and the boys were standing by the door with our suitcases ready for the next 2 months of traveling the world with Shawn Mendes.


We're ready!

Shawn M: Ok, we're on our way!
Shawn M: We're outside! Come hop in!

~End Of Messages~

Melody: He's outside, come on let's go!
Everyone: YAY!

We went outside and saw the tour bus and Shawn standing in from welcoming us on.

Shawn: Hey!
Melody: Hey Shawn!
Shawn: Welcome on the bus!
Everyone: Thank You!

We all got on the bus and began to move. The bus was huge. I put my suitcase by my bed and went on my phone for a bit to tweet. I went to the back of the bus to already see the boys playing fortnight against Shawn.

Melody: Of course you're playing fortnight
Shawn: we're having a battle
Corbyn: It's fun you should join!
Shawn: You can play?
Melody: Of course
Shawn: Battle?
Zach: Warning she's amazing at it
Jack: She beat us all
Daniel: I don't play
Jonah: oh we know
Shawn: Well I've been able to beat you all so this is to determine the true champion.
Melody: Bring it on!

I sat down and we began to play. I played it off to begin with so Shawn felt confident he was going to win. I am very competitive so if I didn't win I'd be pissed.

Shawn: This isn't so bad, I'm winning
Melody: Are you competitive by any chance?
Shawn: Very!
Melody: Perfect *i smirked a bit*

Shawn wasn't much better than the boys so I found it easy. After Shawn was very confident I went all in.

Melody: Don't mess with me *i smirked and walked away*
Shawn: I can't believe it I was supposed to be the champion and I just got played by a girl.
Zach: She always messes with us
Jack: well used to
Jonah: we stopped playing with her ever since she kept on doing it
Corbyn: I still play it with Melody tho because I find it funny seeing me fail.
Daniel: is that normal?
Corbyn: what the fact I still play with melody of I find it funny seeing me fail?
Daniel: both
Corbyn: probably, I always lose. Although I did win once.
Jonah: Wasn't that that time-

(Melody's P.O.V)

I was hanging up a picture of me the boys and Ariel on the wall and began hammering in one of the 2 nails.
I completed hammering the first nail in and lined up the second.
I hammered it in the ending one being a big smash however it didn't end up how I had hoped.



Daniel was downstairs in the front room with Jonah and the other boys upstairs so they heard me scream.

Daniel: Are you ok?!
Jonah: What happened?

I heard the other boys rush downstairs.

Jack: No shit Sherlock
Corbyn: Melody, Are you ok? What happened?
Melody: I think my hands broken! Take me to hospital! It kills!

Jonah drove to the hospital and we rushed in. They took me to a room and I sat in a cigar in so much pain.

Nurse: It needs to be put in a cast, this may hurt a little
Melody: well great even more pain but go for it.
Nurse: Ok

The nurse put the cast on my hand and wrist whilst asking me the story of how it happened. The boys were outside and I could tell they were listening in.

Nurse: How'd you break it then?
Melody: Well I was hanging a massive photo of all of us and I was hammering nails but on the second nail I missed the nail and hit my hand... hard
Nurse: Ouch, well you won't be able to take it out of the cast for 6 months but you'll need a checkup x-ray in every 2 months.
Melody: oh ok, am I free to go?
Nurse: yeah, off you go.

I left the hospital with the boys and when we got home I had a little rest.

>2 hours later<

Corbyn: Hey Melody?
Melody: Yes Corbyn?
Corbyn: Well I was wondering if you wanted to play fortnight with me?
Melody: You're kidding right?
Corbyn: Well no, I feel like this will be the only time I can beat you.
Melody: oh thanks, well why not.

We played a few games in which I lost all due to me breaking about 6 bones in my dominant hand.

*End Of Flashback*

Jack: Yeah it was...
Shawn: Well that's cheating right?
Corbyn: I guess
Shawn: Well then without cheating you haven't won any against her.
Melody: I have a name!
Shawn: Against melody, feisty I see.
Zach: Most of the time.
Jonah: Well let's play against Shawn
Corbyn: I'm determined to beat him at least once.

The boys continued to play fortnight battles and I continuously heard them shout which I'm guessing is when they won. I sat on my bed on my phone going through Instagram.

After I browsed Instagram occasionally liking a few fan posts I decided to edit a photo of mine that I was posting on instagram this Friday. It was an artistic photo took at the beach, specifically the pier where in sitting on the edge with what I thought was the coolest looking sunset ever. There were a few others that I was going to post soon but I decided to edit that one to post on Friday.

After editing my photo I decided to have a nap as we had a long journey ahead of us including waking up at about 4:00 am and going to sleep at like 12:00pm running on 4 hours of sleep each night.

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