Part 41 - Back Home.

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I shot up quickly staring at my mom standing at the door.

Mom: you have work, get ready.
Melody: Mom, what did we do yesterday?
Mom: you went to work.
Melody: But wh- never mind.
Mom: come on hurry up.

I looked at my mom as she left then looked around the room.
It was full of Why Don't we posters.
Polaroid's of me and my friends and more.
I was so confused.
I looked at my phone and went to messages.
I had a new message.

Niamh: Girl get your ass out of bed! We're skipping work today!

Wait Niamh's my best friend!

I messaged her back.

Melody: hey um, where are we going?
Niamh: to see your boyfriend.
Melody: My boyfriend?
Niamh: yeah the one who had your child? He needs you! He's been looking after her in LA.
Niamh: wow you really were knocked in the head. Your memories still not back.
Melody: Niamh I have no idea what's going on! I think I had a bad dream. And what do you mean knocked in my head?
Niamh: Girl meet me at Starbucks, I'll tell you everything.

I got out of bed and got dressed.
Since when did I have Why Don't we merch?!
Uhh I need to remember.
I put on my hoodie and jeans along with some vans and sat with my eyes closed thinking.

My boyfriend?
My child?
That's why I have their posters in my room.
Wait so I didn't die?

I ran down the stairs after slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

Mom: jess?
Jess: I'll be back soon, it's an emergency!
Mom: where?
Jess: Niamh
Mom: what's up?
Jess: it's about me. I have to go, bye!

I left the house and went to Starbucks to meet Niamh.
I arrived and saw her sitting inside with two lattes. I sat across from her and listened to her.

Jess: details. Now.
Niamh: it all began, you were on your with the boys and you got back to LA. You got your child from me, your babysitter and spent a few days at the boys house.
Until your mom called you saying you had to fly over, but on the way your plane had landed really rough and you banged your head hard, sending you unconscious.
You were rushed to the hospital and spent some days there. You woke up and were allowed home.
Jess: but then why was mom screaming at me to go to work? I would've remembered my room right?
Niamh: that I do not know but I have a theory. Last night I think you may have had a dream which took you back to what happened. Through the whole story of how you ended up here.
Jess: but I was killed in that dream.
Niamh: maybe that was your imagination which helped you remember! Which is why you remember your children now that I told you.
Jess: holy. I need to fly to LA like now! I'll book a flight, you're coming with me! Go home and pack!
Niamh: leaving tomorrow?
Jess: soonest flight I can find. I'll message you. Bye!

I grabbed my stuff and ran home.

Mom: welcome back Jess, is all ok?
Jess: mom I need to fly to LA, can you book me the soonest flight? I'm going to grab a few things. Don't tell the boys, it's going to be a surprise.
Mom: ok darling, are you going by yourself?
Jess: no with Niamh.
Mom: ok we'll get ready quick!

I sprinted upstairs and grabbed some main essentials, I didn't need much, not even clothes I would have some at their house and I ran back downstairs.

Mom: next flight is in 30 minutes, let's pick up Niamh and get you to the airport.

Me and my mom hopped in the car and drove to Niamh's, she was standing outside her house.

Melody: Hop in loser, we're going to LA

Niamh got in the car and mom rushed us to the airport.

Mom: melody, message me when you land.
Melody: will do, love you.

Me and Niamh rushes through the airport to our gate.
Luckily we managed to get on the plane on time.

Niamh: don't you think we should tell one of the boys were coming so that we know that they're home?
Melody: yeah I guess, but not Corbyn or Jonah, they are the ones I want to surprise.
Niamh: Zach would probably tell them, he's bad at keeping secrets.
Melody: Jack and Zach are always together so Zach would probably see and tell everyone if we told jack so that leaves us with Daniel. I guess I'll message him.


Melody: Hey I'm Daniel?
Daniel: MELODY!? You haven't talked to us in a while we were getting worried!
Melody: aww thanks but are you with anyone right now?
Daniel: Well I'm on my bed and Ebens on my computer in my room.
Melody: Don't tell him I messaged you! Don't tell anyone!
Daniel: why? And not even Corbyn or Jonah?
Melody: No, no one. I'm with Niamh on a flight to LA cause I am better and needed to come back to help Corbyn with our children.
Daniel: WHAT! You're coming back! Duoebdhsndbd
Melody: PLEASE DONT TELL ANYONE! Me and Niamh just needed to know that everyone's home before we arrived.
Daniel: Yeah were all here. OMG I'm so excited to see you! It's been 6 exhausting weeks looking after Ariel.
Melody: she must be so big by now
Daniel: Yeah, but luckily your flying over at this time, it's the perfect time for her bithday.
Melody: I know, it's in about a week! She'll be turning 2!
Daniel: Yep! Now tell your plane to hurry, I'm impatient!
Melody: I'll be there ASAP. Bye Daniel!
Daniel: Bye! See you soon!

*end of messages*

I sighed sitting back in my seat looking out the window as we flew closer to LA. Wow, I missed this so much! I'm going back home.

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