PART 7 - Gone

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Corbyn: this cant be good...
Doctor: well in a few minutes you'll have to leave
Jonah: what why?
Doctor: melody needs some time to recover
Corbyn: ok but what's the news
Doctor: well she had a 40% chance of survival but we have been looking at her records and it turns out she has a 10% chance of survival.

I burst into tears, why me?  The doctor told us we had to leave but I couldn't. I refused. I wanted to stay with her, make sure she's ok.

Doctor: you guys have to leave now
Corbyn: I can't I have to be by her side, make sure she's ok
Jonah: bro come on we all wish we could but the doctors are doing what's best for her.
Corbyn: I refuse I need to make sure she's strong! She has a 10% chance of survival do you really think I want to leave her without a proper goodbye?
Doctor: she'll be fine, if anything happens well call
Corbyn: no I can't leave her
Jack: come on bro she needs recovery time
Corbyn: what if she doesn't recover? What will happen then?
Zach: bro come here she'll be ok, if anything happens just know she would always be here even if she isn't here. *he held open his arms for a hug*
Corbyn: I can't think of being without her though.
Daniel: Corbyn, listen, I know how you feel. You may not know this but my sister, she was hit by a car.
Corbyn: I'm sorry bro.
Daniel: no listen, when I first found out she didn't make it I was devastated. I had something that she would always remember me by and I'd always remember her. I always made myself look like I was fine but in reality I wasn't. Now it's been a while and I still miss her loads but I have other people surrounding me to keep me happy. I know you'll get through this.

Daniel and I began crying, hard. I never knew he had lost someone so close. He's so good at hiding it. But I still couldn't let melody go. But somehow I had to.

Doctor: you have to leave now.
Corbyn: were going...
Doctor: thank you, well keep in touch and do whatever we can to save her.

We left the hospital. I was feeling all kinds of emotions. Confusion, sadness, depression and like I had nothing left. When we got home it was late and dark. I wanted to sleep but I couldn't. My head was swirling around questions making it harder to sleep. I then heard my phone start to ring. Who could be calling so late? It was the hospital. I picked up my phone quickly and answered the call

~on the call~

Corbyn: Hello? What's wrong, is everything ok?
Doctor: umm you can come to the hospital and find out
Corbyn: why can't you tell me?
Doctor: well it's probably best you come and say your final goodbyes.
Corbyn: what? What happened?
Doctor: she didn't make it..,
Corbyn: I'm on my way.

I got up quickly and put on some clothes. I knew I should've stayed with her. I ran to the boys' room waking them up quickly. I told them what happened and they all got dressed and got in the car. We drove to the hospital and ran to melody's room. I walk in and see her laying there. She wasn't breathing. What have I done? I caused all this to happen.

Corbyn: no no no, this can't be happening, no melody you can't leave me, I'm nothing with out you. What happened to "we'll rise up" you can't leave *i began crying harder* please don't go.
Doctor: she's already gone.
Corbyn: no! *i grabbed her hand* please please please. *I laid my head on her chest to hear no heart beat.* this can't be happening...

I was in the hospital for an hour. I couldn't leave Melody so I stayed with her as long as I could before she had to be taken away. Our hands were intertwined and I hated thinking that it was the last time I would see her. I looked at her lifeless body. She was still so pretty laying there just she was missing something. That something was her love. Her being lifeless meant she didn't have any love she could express. I still loved her to pieces. And whether she couldn't say it back I would never stop loving her. I pecked her gently on her lips and rested my head back on her chest.

~about another hour later~

The boys had come back they left to give us alone time and the doctor came back in to check up. They all stayed there until...

Suddenly, I thought i was dreaming. I pinched myself. I wasn't dreaming. Maybe I was hallucinating. Nope the boys were still there the doctor was still there. This was crazy I couldn't think that this was happening...

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