Part 42 - Surpises :)

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(Corbyns P.O.V)

I was sitting on the couch just "in my feels". Well I was just thinking about Melody. I missed her adorable smile so much. He little laugh when I did something silly. And how happy she looked when Ariel did something cool and cute.
Speaking of Ariel, since Melody left, she has grown up so much. Melody was gone for a long time. It's was hard without her.
And to be completely honest. Some nights I stayed up looking through the pictures and videos of us together. Sometimes even slipping a few tears.

I was staring at the floor when I heard the door open and a very excited Daniel walk in after quickly popping to the shops.

Corbyn: Why are you so excited. I've never seen you so happy just randomly.
Daniel: Oh, no reason. I just- It's a good day.
Corbyn: we've literally don't nothing all day.
Daniel: I'm just feeling good then.
Corbyn: What did you get from the shops?
Daniel: Just some cake.

I decided not to question and I just watched the joyful boy hop up the stairs as I laughed at his weirdness. That boy is really something different.

(Daniels P.O.V)

After coming back from the shop with some cake for the surprise I revived a message from melody saying her plane had landed and to gather everyone in the lounge in about 10 minutes as she's on her way.
As soon as I messaged melody back I quickly wrote surprise on the cake I had bought from the shop in cake frosting.

~5-10 minutes later~

I was walking around the house to gather everyone telling them to go downstairs to where Corbyn was.
I then asked melody where she was and she said she would be here in about 5 minutes, and I said that when her and Niamh arrive to the house to stay outside and I'll bring the boys out. I also warned her about the fake prank with the cake. This was going to be great.

Daniel: So you guys are probably wondering why I brought you all down here.
Jonah: No shit, I was trying to watch Harry Potter.
Jack: For like the 6th time this week.
Jonah: That's not the point.
Corbyn: Guys shut up, let Daniel speak.
Daniel: I have a surprise for you. Stay here I have to go get it.
Zach: Couldn't you bring it down before you brought us down.
Daniel: Too late.

I ran upstairs and grabbed the cake bringing it back downstairs, hiding it behind my back as I walked into the lounge.

Daniel: 3,2,1!

I placed the cake in front of the boys as they looked at me like I'm an idiot.

Daniel: I bought it to lighten up our moods, we all seem so down lately. No one likes it.
Jack: I'm good. I'm going back upstairs.

I stopped jack as he tried to leave.

Daniel: Hey no wait. I have another surprise.
Jonah: I don't want another fucking cake or whatever it is.
Daniel: It's not a cake. It's something so much better.
Corbyn: then what was the actual point of the cake?
Daniel: to introduce the surprise.
Zach: Did you write the surprise yourself?
Daniel: Zach shut up, just everyone, I need you to follow me.

I walked towards the door signaling for the boys to follow. One after the other they followed me to the door. About a meter stay from the door I stopped them.

Daniel: Wait here. Close your eyes.
Jack: I'm not closing my eyes, you're going to shove something in my face.
Daniel: Turn around then.
Jack: but y-
Daniel: Stop complaining just do so.
Jack: Ok mom.

I rolled my eyes as I watched the boys turn around. As I opened the door inviting melody and Niamh in a checked that none of the boys were peeking. I positioned the behind the boys after giving them a tight hug.

Daniel: after 3 I want you to turn around. And don't attack what you see. And don't be too loud, Ariel's upstairs asleep.
Zach: it better not be an animal.

I watched as the boys turned around dropping their jaws in shock.

The boys: MELODY! NIAMH!
Daniel: I said don't shout.

Everyone looked excited and attacked them with massive bear hugs.
Corbyn however, he stayed behind looking as he was going to cry.

(Corbyns P.O.V)

As I turned around I was in to much shock to move. I was legit about to cry.
I watched as the boys attacked Niamh and melody in bear hugs as I just stood there.

The boys stopped and melody stood directly in front of me, smiling.
I missed that damn smile. It made me smile too.
I walked closer to melody and embraced her in a warm hug as tears fell from my eyes.

Corbyn: I missed you so much.
Melody: Me too. Me too.

We stood there for a few minutes just soaking up the moment.

Corbyn: I can't believe the love of my life. My wife. The mother to my child. My other half is back after being gone for a full 6 weeks.

Me and melody pulled away and I held her hands.

Melody: One day you'll have to change how you say that.
Corbyn: What do you mean?
Melody: Not to drop another big surprise on you. But I'm going to drop another big surprise on all of you.
Zach: should we be scared.
Melody: no one knows. Only me
Jack: That's made me more anxious.
Daniel: you said Corbyn may need to change how he says what he said.
Jonah: Melody, you are my sister and you never do stuff like this.
Corbyn: How will I have to say that then.
Melody: well you'll have to say. "I can't believe the love of my life. My wife. And the mother to my children."

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