PART 29 - The Honeymoon

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Today we were leaving for the honeymoon. We spent the last week packing and getting any supply's that we will need for the 2 weeks that we are in Australia. We stayed up until 2 in the morning to go as we booked an early flight so it wasn't very busy and there wasn't much traffic to get there and there was no point going to sleep as we can go to sleep on the plane as the flight was 14 hours long. We would arrive at about 4 in the afternoon LA time which would be 9am the next day in Australia.
The boys stayed up with us to say goodbye to us as well.

Corbyn: I guess we should leave now so we don't miss the plane
Jonah: ok, have fun I'll miss you
Melody: I'll miss you too big bro! *i hugged him*
Zach: what about me?
Corbyn: we'll miss you too *we hug him*
Jack: what about me?
Melody: we'll miss you all! Group hug! *we all group hugged*
Corbyn: Bye guys!
Melody: Bye!
All the boys: Bye!!

We drove to the airport in Jonah's 5 seat car which was the smallest we had so we didn't have to take the bus-van with us everywhere when not everyone was coming. We sorted out our bags and got through security fine and went to the shop to get a bottle of water and a snack. We then went to the lounge to wait till our plane is ready to board.
About 10 minutes late our plane was called and we went and got on. We were at the very back of the plane. We didn't get first class as we weren't going to need it. We sat down and waited for the plane to take off.
During the first 30 minutes I had already fallen asleep. Corbyn lifted up the arm rest and pulled me close and I fell asleep in his arms. We had a small blanket with us as we knew we were going to be falling to sleep and were going to be on the plane for ages.

(Corbyns P.O.V)
Melody fell asleep on me and she looked so cute. I kissed her forehead and rested my hand on her stomach and smiled knowing that in there was mine and Melody's baby girl. She was going to be so beautiful. She has such a pretty mom so she's going to be really cute. Me and Melody both want her to have long hair and blue eyes; just like her parents.
I kept thinking about how much I love melody and our baby girl whilst falling asleep.

~8 hours later~
I woke up and melody was still asleep. The pilot just announced that we still had 6 hours of our journey left and it would fly by. I still had my arm around Melody and didn't let go. I removed my hand of her stomach and got out my phone. I I plugged in my headphones and decided to watch a film. I decided to watch Pitch Perfect. I love them films especially the second one, it's my favourite. The third one could've been better to be honest and the first one was the first film of the series they made so I wasn't surprised that it wasn't as good as the second one but I do love the films.
About  half way between the first movie Melody woke up. She decided to watch the movies with me. We watched all three and for the last hour or so left of the journey we just talked and ate a few snacks that we bought on board. An hour later the plane landed...

(Melody's P.O.V)
We just got off the plane and got our bags before heading to the hotel. It was roughly 9am in Australia, and we knew it was 4pm for the boys so we called them telling them that we were here. We told them everything and then went out for a bit. We decided to go to the seaside close by. We started off by having some breakfast/ lunch at a cafe near the beach then going to the ice cream bar and getting an ice cream so that we could cool down as we weren't used to these temperatures. After that we went to the beach and tanned for a bit; well I did. Corbyn rubbed some sun cream on me and then I did so for him so we didn't burn and I payed down to tan. I laid on my back for about 30 minutes then turning to my front to tan for 30 minutes. Most of the time me and Corbyn talked whilst Corbyn scrolled through Instagram and twitter. After I finished tanning Corbyn began tickling me and begging me to come into the water. In the end I accepted and we went to the sea.
The water was freezing and Corbyn and I kept on splashing each other until he stopped and pulled me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his resting on my waist. He leaned in slowly and so did I until our lips met. We kissed each other passionately. I always get the feeling in my stomach of excitement and a spark of happiness. He makes me so happy.
Corbyn: Melody, I love you so much
Melody: I love you too Corbyn.
Corbyn: but I love you like so much, you make me so happy and you can always make me laugh and smile. Whenever I'm with you I'm never upset or sad because you make me so happy that it's impossible to. I just want to know that I would trade the whole world just to be with you.
Melody: aww Corbyn I love you too, you make me the happiest person on earth. Your always making me smile and laugh too. Your silliness, I find it cute. Your really intelligent and always know what's best. I love you with my whole heart.
We kissed each other again before getting out and going to get some dinner. We had been at the beach for about 4 hours. It didn't seem that long but when I'm with Corbyn time flies by.

After getting some dinner me and Corbyn went to a bridge with a great view of the sunset. It was really pretty. The sun gave off colors of yellow, pink, purple and blue. It was amazing. I was standing there in Corbyns arms and I wrapped mine around him. I was listening to his heartbeat until someone approached us. It was a young man carrying a camera.

Camera Guy: Hey, excuse me but I thought that y'all look cute together and was wondering if I could capture a few photos that I can send you via email? Do you think it's ok if you type your email in my phone?
Corbyn: sure, pass me your phone I'll type it in.

Corbyn types his email into the guys phone and he stood behind us taking a few photos.

Camera Guy: thank you! I'm Cameron by the way!
Corbyn: I'm Corbyn
Melody: and I'm melody.
Cameron: so what brings you here today or tonight?
Melody: just looking around a bit
Cameron: your not from here? Where are you from?
Corbyn: we're from LA and we're here on our honeymoon.
Melody: yeah we arrived today
Cameron: that's so cool! Well I have to go I'll email you the photos later.
Melody & Corbyn: Bye!

For the rest of the honeymoon me and Corbyn spent it at theme parks and beaches and exploring Australia. Cameron emailed us the photos and they were amazing. One was of Corbyn and I's silhouette with the sunset behind. Another one was of us kissing with the sunset behind too. I enjoyed it in Australia and so did Corbyn. Although Today is the day we  have to go home. Me and Corbyn packed our stuff and went to the airport getting onto the plane and later arriving back in LA.

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