PART 32 - Pancakes :)

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~A few months later~

I got woken up by melody crying and noticed Corbyn was also up.

Melody: This has happened everyday.
Corbyn: I've got this one melody, stay here.

Corbyn went over to Ariel and picked her up. She didn't stop crying so he took her downstairs. I decided to stay in bed and fall back to sleep as every night I've been getting up for Ariel as she's cried.

(Corbyns P.O.V)

I took Ariel downstairs and made her a bottle of milk. I was slightly tired from all the things we've been doing during the day and staying up late at night however I didn't mind because Ariels my baby so I'd do anything to take care of her and her mom.

Corbyn: Hey, Ariel, shh shsh. I've got your milk don't worry I'm just going to sit on the couch and you can have it.

I don't know what it is but whenever a baby's crying, like a baby baby that can't talk, I always thought that if I talk to them to try to get them to stop before giving them milk they would but I always knew they weren't going to listen cause they are hungry.

I sat on the couch and fed Ariel her milk, she ended up falling so sleep in my arms so i laid down and placed her on my chest falling asleep too.

(Melody's P.O,V)

I woke up in the morning to see Corbyn not beside me and Ariel not in her bed and was confused so I got changed for the day into some black shorts and a white crop top and made my way downstairs to see Ariel on Corbyns bare chest asleep and Corbyn on the couch asleep. It was one of the cutest things ever so I decided that it needed to go on instagram. I took the photo and posted it on instagram.

@melodymarais : Daddy, Daughter cuddles ☺️

@seavey_smiles : Omg so cute! Aahhshwksbhwiw
@dreamherron : Ok this is cute af but YOU NEED TO CHANGE YOUR USERNAME!
@whydontwe_ny : @dreamherron I AGREE, CHANGE YOUR NAME! And like #goals

I saw a lot of comments saying about how my username is still Melodymarais when I am now a Besson so I changed my username to Melodybesson. I then posted on my story that I changed it so that no one got confused.

I heard Corbyn waking up and looked over at him.

Melody: good morning
Corbyn: you too.
Melody: d'you want me to take her? She's awake
Corbyn: yeah thanks.
Melody: no problem babe, and do you want anything specific for breakfast, I'm just having some pancakes
Corbyn: just, pancakes are amazing I want some!
Melody: ok ok, I'll put Ariel in her chair and place her in the kitchen with me and make the pancakes, you should go get changed.
Corbyn: ok babe, I'll be right back.

Corbyn went upstairs and I put Ariel in her chair before placing her in the kitchen with me and making pancakes. I had just finished with making my 4th pancake when I felt arms snake around my waist and a head rest on my shoulder.

Corbyn: omg I love you.
Melody: well you won't if you don't have these pancakes, let me finish before you decide to distract me with your love. Talk to Ariel
Corbyn: ok fine but can I at least have a kiss?
Melody: you have so many needs wow
Corbyn: what did you say?
Melody: no, don't tickle me, I'll spill this mixture everywhere.
Corbyn: Gimme a kiss!
Melody: ok, ok

I turn around and kissed him on the lips.

Corbyn: one more?
Melody: only one

I kissed him again and turned back around so he couldn't ask me again.

Corbyn went over to Ariel and took her out of her chair and sat her on the side starting to talk to her.

~10 minutes later~

Corbyn has moved to the front room with Ariel and I had just finished making the pancakes and tidying up.

Melody: I'm done!
Corbyn: pancakes!

I took the pancakes and placed them on the table before taking Ariel from Corbyn and putting her in her chair. I gave her a toy and put her next to me and Corbyn whilst we ate our pancakes.

After we ate our pancakes I washed up our plates and made Ariel a bottle of milk as she started crying. The other boys had woken up and came downstairs too. Jonah kindly offered to feed Ariel whilst I went upstairs and did my hair and makeup as I didn't when I woke up and got changed, I threw my hair in a messy bun and left my face bare so I had to do something about it. For my make up I didn't do much; only a soft brown colour on the eyes with mascara and a little bit of lipgloss. I didn't do a base as we were only going to the beach later today. I decided to put my hair into a loose French braid pulling small strands of hair out at the front.

Whilst doing my hair I heard the door open to reveal Daniel.

Melody: Hey Daniel, what's up?
Daniel: I need to ask you something?
Melody: yeah?
Daniel: what do you want for your birthday?
Melody: Daniel, I don't need anything!
Daniel: but-
Melody: all I need is my 4 brothers and my husband to be there with me
Daniel: ok, I love you lil sis
Melody: I love you big bro

Daniel left the room and Jack came in.

Melody: hey bro!
Jack: hey sis!
Melody: what do you want?
Jack: well I wanted to ask what you want for your birthday, well all want to know.
Melody: oh wow, not you too. If you really have to get me what you think I should have.

Jack left my room and I finished my hair we all then stayed in until later when we went to the beach. At the beach we walked around are went into the sea and got some dinner before going back home and going to sleep. Ariel came with us to the beach and Jonah wasn't feeling the best so he didn't go in the water and stayed with her when we were there.

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