PART 9 - Tour?

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I woke up and checked the time on my phone. It was 7 which was the normal time I woke up. I looked down at mine and corbyns feet. Laying there was sparkle and teddy. They looked so cute. I looked over at Corbyn he had woken up and was smiling.

Melody: oh good morning babe.
Corbyn: morning babe
Melody: come on teddy, sparkle, come here

Teddy and sparkle came and cuddled up to me and Corbyn. I was so happy that I had these puppies. They were basically mine and corbyns children.

Melody: doesn't this technically make us parents.
Corbyn: yeah these are our two children
Melody: aww I'm a proud mum
Corbyn: and I'm a proud dad

I cuddled up to Corbyn as teddy layed inbetween my legs and sparkle between corbyns.

Melody: teddy, sparkle do you want some breakfast? Come on let's go!

I pecked Corbyn on the lips as I got off the bed and he grabbed his phone. Sparkle and Teddy followed me downstairs. I got them some breakfast and poured myself some cereal. I went back upstair to Corbyn. He had gotten up and got ready, he was about to go downstairs to get some cereal to do I told him to wait for me to get changed so we can eat together.

We both went downstairs and Corbyn made himself some cereal, we sat down at the table and began to eat. The day was chill and you pretty much stayed in all day cuddling up to Corbyn.

Before you went to bed Corbyn and the boys said they had some news for me.

Daniel: ok Mel we have some news
Jack: it's not bad but you need to listen carefully.
Melody: ok...
Jonah: ok so after Christmas us as a band are...
Melody: are what?
Zach: we are going ON TOUR!
Melody: omg really I'm so excited for you! When you get back you'll have to tell me how it goes!
Corbyn: babe that's the thing, we can't
Melody: why not?
Corbyn: well it's not that we can't it's that...
Melody: that...
Corbyn: we won't need to
Melody: I'm so confused, what do you mean?
Jonah: what we mean is, you be able to find out yourself
Daniel: your coming on tour with us!
Melody: OMG really?
Jonah: you think I would be able to leave my baby sister alone?
Melody: hey I'm not little anymore I'm 17!
Jonah: and your younger than me so I cave permission Mel :)
Corbyn: anyway there's more, you think I'd be able to leave my baby girl for months, no cuddles for that long? Nope!
Melody: ok another 'Baby' name but I do like corbs one better than Jonah's
Zach: ahhh I'm to young nooo *he covered his ears*
Daniel: you need to go to church!!
*i giggled*
Melody: guys I'm kidding
*i sent a wink corbyns way to say that I wasn't kidding*
Jack: Hey I saw that wink! She's not kidding guys she needs Jesus.
Melody: ok guys calm down it was a joke and it's late let's go to bed.
Jonah: good point Mel.
Corbyn: yeah let's go I want to cuddle :)

You all went upstairs and went to sleep. From the amount of times you have slept in corbyns bed or he's slept in yours, it's like you live in each others rooms but boyfriend and girlfriend do that so what's the difference?

~a week before Christmas~

Zach: bye guys my flight is boarding I'll see you in a few weeks ready for the tour!
Jack: my plane will be boarding soon *jacks gate it called* told you so *he giggled*
Corbyn: are you excited to meet my family for the first time?
Melody: a little nervous but I'm sure I'll be ok as long as you keep me safe as Jonah won't be here this time
Corbyn: I'll keep you safe but I'm sure they'll love you
Daniel: ok enough with the couple stuff I want a bro hug my flights gonna board in a few mins.
Corbyn: fine bro
Melody: don't steal his love though he only has space for one lover *i joked*
Daniel: imma steal all his love, nah I'm kidding but come here mels give me a hug
Corbyn: ok you better not steal her heart
Daniel: I won't, I won't i know how much you love her and she loves you

I walked over to Daniel and hugged him tightly, he was really warm but not as warm as Corbyn and I was defiantly gonna miss his funny jokes

Melody: I'll miss you dani
Daniel: I'll miss you too mels

I pulled away from Daniel and went back over to Corbyn who was on his phone, possible messaging his mom. I wrapped my arms around his waist and cuddled into him. He was so cosy I could've fallen asleep. Daniels flight was called and he left to board his plane. I heard screaming from behind me and turned around to see 2 girls running towards Jonah. They were obviously fans as they asked for pictures with him. When they did they started walking over to me and Corbyn.

Girl 1: hey um Corbyn can we have a picture with you?
Corbyn: sure
Girl 2: and I'm Melody would you mind taking it
Melody: sure but just to clarify you weren't two of the many people that hated on me right?
Girl 1: no no no we thought you were really pretty when we first saw you, we really wanted you and Corbyn to get together
Melody: aww ok well thanks
Girl 2: it's ok well I'm makayla
Girl 1: and I'm melany
Melody: cool we have very similar names, well let's take this photo, mine and corbyns planes boarding soon.

You took the photo and it looked really cute. You handed them their phone back and walked to Corbyn hugging him tightly again, this time he hugged back instead of texting his mum.

A few minutes later your plane was called and you said goodbye to Jonah.

Jonah: I'll see you in a few weeks bro
Corbyn: I'll see you in a few weeks bro *they bro hugged*
Jonah: Hey Mel, I'll see you in a few weeks, enjoy yourself, I'll miss you loads
Melody: I'll miss you too this will be the longest time without you I hope everything is ok.
Jonah: you'll be fine besides you have Corbyn. I'll have a chat with mum and see what's going on and if anything's changed.
Melody: ok Jonah thanks
Jonah: for what?
Melody: for always being there for me and doing what's best for me.
Jonah: it's ok baby come here

I walked over to Jonah crying into his shoulder. At this point I didn't care if he called me a baby, I just wanted to say good bye properly to Jonah. He has been there for me for pretty much all my life and now I'll be leaving him for a few weeks. At least I have Corbyn tho, he'll keep me safe. We started to walk to the gate and went to board our plane. I was excited to meet corbyns family but what were they gonna think of me?

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