Part 22 - Tour Day 2

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Everyone was being woken up in the morning by the loud shouting of the manager.

Manager: EVERYONE WAKE UP!!! Rehearsals start in an hour!!!!
Corbyn: *whispering in my ear* ugh I really don't wanna get up
Melody: *whispering* me neither
Corbyn: 5 more minutes?
Melody: yeah
Manager: your not very quiet whispers so no! No more minutes up now!
Corbyn: just 5, please
Manager: nope! Up dressed and get ready for rehearsals!
Melody: this is gonna be a tiering tour
Corbyn: sure is

Me and Corbyn got up; everyone else was up and looked tired too. We then go changed and went into the venue so the boys could rehearse.

Melody: We're only on our second day in and I'm already tired
Corbyn: yeah but we'll wake up, I'm sure.
Melody: yeah, do you want a drink? I'm going to get myself a Starbucks to wake me up
Corbyn: I'll have whatever your having.
Melody: I'm getting a strawberry and cream Frappuccino, and do the boys want anything?
Corbyn: oh ok that's fine then and I don't know, boys do you want a drink? Melody's going to the Starbucks down the road
Jonah: yes please! could I please a caramel latte?
Zach: me too!
Jack: I'll have one of them too.
Daniel: I don't mind, I'll have whatever Corbyns having.
Corbyn: the same as melody, a strawberry and cream Frappuccino.
Daniel: yeah that's fine
Melody: ok got it, 3 caramel lattes and 3 strawberry and cream Frappuccino.

Before I left I gave Corbyn a peck on he lips and said I'll be back in a minute and headed down the road to Starbucks.

Cashier: hello, how can I help you today?
Melody: hello, please could I have 3 caramel lattes and 3 strawberry and cream frappuccinos?
Cashier: anything else?
Melody: no that's it
Cashier: ok that will be $10.59
Melody: here
Cashier: thank you! Have a nice day!
Melody: you too

I collected my drinks and headed back to the venue. I arrived and as I stepped in I could see the excitement on boys' faces. They finished singing then rushed over to me and grabbed their drinks.

Jack: thank you melody! I owe you one.
Zach: same
Jonah: yeah
Daniel: mhmm same here
Corbyn: we all do, it's been a stressful day already and this helps a lot.
Melody: guys it's fine! Don't pay me back or anything, it was a treat.
Corbyn: ok ok well I'm still pay
Melody: corby-
Corbyn: still paying you back
Melody- but
Corbyn: I love you.
Melody: ugh I love you too!

I sat down on a chair next to the stage and went through all my social media; Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. I soon realised the boys were done rehearsing and were about to get ready for limelight. I went backstage with them and made sure they looked presentable as that is my job when coming on this tour. Niamh had to help too as it's the rules. We then started cleaning up backstage so it wasn't too messy for afterwards. Whilst I did so I decided to talk to niamh to get to know her.

Melody: hey :)
Niamh: hey
Melody: how are you?
Niamh: I'm good, you?
Melody: I'm good, looking forwards to this tour?
Niamh: yeah how about you?
Melody: yeah it's gonna be fun but there's one thing I'm gonna hate, getting up early every morning.
Niamh: oh yeah true
Melody: can I just tell you how amazing your accent is.
Niamh: oh thank you so much!
Melody: it's ok and I also wanted to ask you how did you grow so tall?
Niamh: I'm not really sure in 5'10
Melody: I'm 5'4, I bet if we do talk my necks gonna be killing me from looking up
Niamh: and mine is from looking down.

Me and Niamh chatted and laughed whilst cleaning up backstage waiting for the show to start. About and hour later, the show started.

The boys ran on stage and got into positions. Day 2: Nashville, Tennessee in the Ryman Auditorium. Yesterday may have been crazy but I can tell this is going to be much louder.

The show started and Eben went on stage singing his songs. Like yesterday he introduced and ran off stage. The video played and the boys got into position. The video ended and Air of the night began to play. Corbyn began singing and then the show went on from there. I must say this show was much better than yesterday's but I knew that the shows were going to progress massively.

It was half time and the boys had to change their outfits. I ran backstage and helped them like I was told to. They changed into their suits and I brushed them off making sure they look suitable with the help of Niamh. They went back on stage and sang their songs starting with words i didn't say and then free. They sung their other songs before coming backstage for another out for change.

Like before, with the help of Niamh, I made them look presentable and touched up on their make up. I ruffled Corbyns hair before he went back on, not to ruffled though, just enough for him still to look like before. I pecked him on the lips and he went on stage to sing Trust Fund Baby.

Trust fund baby was always my favourite to see them perform as they did my favourite dance. The show ended and they took a picture with the fans. They came off stage and got ready for the after party.

Corbyn: hey, how'd I do?
Melody: great as always
Corbyn: that's good, wanna help me pick out my outfit for the after party?
Melody: sure!

I went with Corbyn and we picked out his outfit for the after party. We chose some black jeans and a plain blacktop with a hoodie over top which had a flower wreath on the back. He wore his vans to match with it.

After about 10 minutes of cuddling with Corbyn on the couch backstage it was time for the after party. I didn't go today I stayed backstage to clean up and pack anything we needed back on the tour bus. I decided to pop in in the last 20 minutes though. I didn't interfere with the boys and fans though I just decided to stand at the side. That was until Corbyn called me over.

Corbyn: Melody! Can you come here?
Melody: yeah sure, why?
Corbyn: A fan would like to take a photo with me and you in it.
Melody: oh ok

We took photos with the fans that wanted photos with me in it then all the fans had to leave. As they left everyone went and got onto the tour bus. I was really tired so went straight to bed. Corbyn and Zach stayed up playing fortnite, Jonah went to bed with Niamh, Daniel and jack stayed up just chatting about a few things and Eben edit a few of his pictures for instagram.

About 30 minutes later everyone had gone to sleep and Corbyn had joined me getting some sleep for tomorrow. He wrapped his arms around me and we went to sleep.

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