Part 48 - Who next?

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I was standing in front of Niamh ready to walk her down the aisle. We were holding small bouquets of flowers.

Melody: you ready?
Niamh: I'm really nervous, I don't know why.
Melody: don't worry I was too, you'll lose the nerves when you see the big smile plastered on Jonah's face.

I smiled at her to make her feel better as Zach arrived to walk her down the aisle. I'm not too sure why she chose someone as clumsy as Zach but it had to be one of the boys and Corbyn being the best man, jack being the ring bearer and Daniel being the priest it had to be him.

(Jonah's P.O.V)
I was standing at the alter, my hands were shaking, a lot. There weren't that many people here which was lucky, just family and a few friends. I looked at Corbyn beside me as he whispered to me.

Corbyn: It's ok jo, when you see Niamh you'll calm down, just make sure you smile, it will make her less nervous too.

I nodded at him as he stepped into position.
The music started to play and I heard clapping behind me, I turned around to see Zach walking my soon to be wife down the aisle with melody as the bridesmaid. I smiled at her reassuringly following Corbyns instructions and I saw her smile back. I couldn't believe this was happening.

(Corbyns P.O.V)

I watched as my wife led Niamh down the aisle, they both looked amazing, I kept looking over at Jonah who had a huge smile on his face. I was so happy for him.


I stood alongside Jonah and Niamh, Melody was beside me as we watched.

Daniel: Jonah Frantzich, do you take Niamh Collins to be your lawfully wedded wife, do you promise to always be by her side and make her smile. Do you promise that you will never stop loving her from this day onward?
Jonah: I do.
Daniel: And Niamh Collins do you take Jonah frantzich to be your lawfully wedded husband, always be by his side, make him smile and never stop loving him from this day onward?
Niamh: I do.
Daniel: You May kiss the bride!

I squeezed Melody's hand slightly as Jonah pulled Niamh into a long meaningful kiss. Smiling as he pulled away.

I smiled knowing Niamh was the one who was going to make Jonah happy.


(Melody's P.O.V)

I was sat outside Niamh's hospital room with Corbyn and Ariel on his lap. The other boys were sat across from us as we waiting to be allowed inside. After hours of intense screaming I heard soft cried coming from the room. I smiled looking at Corbyn knowing that Niamh just gave birth. Ariel was asleep and I didn't want to wake her so I left Corbyn and made my way into the room.

I saw Niamh sweating holding her baby. Jonah was holding her hand and I pulled him into a hug.

Melody: I'm proud of you Jonah, you'll be a great dad.

Jonah didn't say anything he smiled at me and I made my way to Niamh motion to her if I could hold her baby girl.

Niamh: Of course, meet Jaycee Rose Frantzich.

I smiled at her as i took Jaycee off of Niamh. She had her eyes open and I they were hazel brown. Her hand grabbed my finger and I smiled knowing it was my brothers baby, I really was proud of him.

(Corbyns P.O.V)

I was sat outside the room with Ariel who was asleep. I did really want to see Niamh and Jonah's baby, I wanted to know the name and all but I didn't want to disturb Ariel.

Luckily after about 15 minutes I was able to stand up without waking her up and put her into her pram. I left her with the boys and made my way inside. They didn't allow more than 2 other people inside and the boys insisted me and melody go first so that we could get home and feed Ariel.

Jonah: Hey bro.
Corbyn: congrats, name?
Jonah: Jaycee rose Frantzich.
Corbyn: lovely name. Can I hold her?
Jonah: if you're able to get her off your wife, she seems a bit attached.

I laughed at his comment and went to melody.

Melody: I heard that whole conversation, no.
Corbyn: I'll make you dinner?
Melody: fine. On one condition.
Corbyn: yes, I'll do your favourite. But after I feed Ariel.
Melody: thank you, it will be good cause I don't have time, I have a lot of work to do on my computer.

After melody handed me Jaycee for a bit she jumped a little. I giggled at her goofiness as she hugged Jonah and Niamh.

Melody: good luck, I'm going to put Ariel in the car so she's ready for when Corbyn comes.

Melody left and I looked at Niamh and Jonah.

Corbyn: you made a very beautiful baby. Congrats.
Niamh: thank you Corbyn.
Corbyn: here, I should get going and the boys are desperate to see her.

I handed Jaycee to Jonah and waved bye as I walked out of the door.

Ariel and her could be very good friends.
But I wonder who's next to get married or give birth.

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