Part 39 - The Date

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~The Next Day~

Corbyn: Rise and shine beautiful
Melody: What time is it?
Corbyn: 10:00
Melody: where are we going today?
Corbyn: It's a surprise! I decided that today I'm going to spoil you!
Melody: Anything I should wear specifically
Corbyn: Just dress comfy and casual
Melody: Ok.

I got out of bed and went to find some clothes.
I put on some jeans and a crop top with a hoodie and did my hair, pulling it back into 2 bunches. I only put on a little bit of mascara on for makeup as I didn't feel like putting on anything else. Also Corbyn has taught me how to be confident about the way I look.

Corbyn: Ready babe?
Melody: Ready as I'll ever be.
Corbyn: Come here then let's get going.

I walked over to Corbyn who was wearing the same hoodie and me and intertwined my fingers with his.

We went downstairs to an Uber that was waiting outside for us.

Corbyn: Corbyn Besson?
Uber: Yeah
Corbyn: you know where we're going right?
Uber: Yeah it's-
Corbyn: shhh, it's a surprise
Uber: oh ok then, music?
Corbyn: Melody?
Melody: Of course!

The Uber driver played some music and we swede singing along to it.

Uber: you guys harmonise great together. Are you two like a duo?
Melody: We're not actually.
Corbyn: I'm in a band with 4 others and this is my wife who can happen to sing very well.
Melody: I'm not that good, I prefer just taking photos
U we: so you're a photographer?
Melody: pretty much
Uber: that's cool, are you guys from here?
Corbyn: no were touring with someone else at the moment, we're from LA
Uber: But I thought your wife was a photographer?
Melody: Call me melody and I'm the photographer for the show.
Uber: wow sounds interesting. Anyway we're here.
Corbyn: thanks bro.

Me and Corbyn hopped out of the car and it turns out we were at a funfair/ theme park.

Melody: Omg I love funfairs!
Corbyn: why's you think I bought you here?
Melody: how many rides can we go on?
Corbyn: well luckily it's not very busy today and we have red wristbands we need to collect allowing us on any ride we want.
Corbyn: you're such a child and I love it

We went in the funfair and went around on all the rides. Each wait was only about 10 minutes and we stayed until the fair closed which is then when we went for dinner.

Corbyn: ok to end the day we're going to eat then have a walk on the beach?
Melody: awww, I love you.
Corbyn: I love you too, let's go I'm hungry

We walked to the restaurant Corbyn had booked for dinner. We both finished our meals and shared a small dessert before heading to the beach.

Walking along the beach:

Melody: Corbyn can I just say how much I love you. Like you do all this stuff for me and I don't know what I did to deserve you. You make me the happiest person on earth and I wanted to know if I am going to be the only girl you love?
Corbyn: Melody I love you like so much too and all this stuff I do I don't do it because you deserve it I do it so I can see my wife happy. But unfortunately there is another girl I love.
Melody: WHAT?! Who?
Corbyn: Dont freak out!
Melody: don't freak out?! Who do you think I am?! You love another girl that's not your wife.
Corbyn: Do you want me to tell you who it is
Melody: would be helpful.
Corbyn: well she looks just like you but is much younger and calls you mommy.
Melody: Omg Corbyn you freaked me out! I hate you!
Corbyn: no you don't
Melody: no I don't, I love you :)
Corbyn: Love you too although we better start heading back. It's nearly 11:00
Melody: yeah and thanks for today
Corbyn: anytime

Me and Corbyn went back up the beach to the road to wait for the Uber. We got back to the hotel and went straight to our room falling to sleep almost instantly.

The rest of the Europe tour became more and more entertaining. I really enjoyed going to all the new places and it came out with so many Instagram photos. Although I did miss Ariel teddy and sparkle. I am always with them and being without holding them for so long only being able to see them through a phone screen killed me.

Everyday I made sure to talk to them at least once other than today. Today was the day we were going home which niamh didn't know so it was going to be a surprise for her, Ariel and the dogs.

We got on the plane tired and exhausted from late nights and early mornings everyday for the past few weeks and made our way home. I slept on the plane trying to catch up the sleep I lost also watching films part of the way.

After what seemed like years of flying we arrived back to the airport. What we saw was not expected. It wasn't the normal LA you would see. It was drastically different...

And not in a good way

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