PART 19 - Argument

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I fell asleep later that day on the couch with Corbyn but when I woke up I wasn't on the couch, I was back in bed. I wasn't sure how I got here but I didn't mind much. I was by myself so I decided to check what time it was. It ended up being 10:00 which is too late for my liking. I got up, put on some casual clothes and went downstairs. The boys were on the couch talking to their manager. I sat next to them and went on my phone. They were talking about the upcoming tour.

Manager: so we are planning on going all over America right?
Daniel: that's correct
Jack: we'll be out for about two months
Manager: oh about that
Zach: is something wrong?
Manager: no it's just that you'll be gone for longer
Jonah: how much longer?
Manager: another two months
Corbyn: it won't take us four months to get around America.
Manger: now this is what I was waiting to tell you we are going to be adding dates for England.
Corbyn : wow that's so cool!
Zach: wait really?
Manager: really
Jonah: Melody what do you think about that, your coming to england!
Melody: yeah it sounds so cool, I've never been to england before.
Daniel: we've been once before and it was amazing.
Manager: we'll be going to the Shepard's bush empire in London and we'll be going to Manchester and more places.
Jack: cool can't wait!
Jonah: we leave for tour in about 3 weeks so that will be epic
Manager: sure will, well I'll get the dates up on the website as soon as I'm home and we can excite the British fans.
Zach: cool!
Manager: we'll I better get going, I'll message when the dates are uploaded
Corbyn: sounds like a plan
Manager: Bye Boys!
Daniel: we're men not boys!
Jack: Bye!

I giggled when Daniel commented on their managers use of the word boys instead of men and then I stood up and went to the kitchen. I heard someone else stand up and follow me in. I turn around to see Jonah.

Jonah: Hey Mel brother - sister hang out time?
Mel: why not!
Jonah: hey boys me and Mel are going out for sibling hangout time
Daniel: that's a thing?
Jonah: is now
Zach: ok alrighty then
Corbyn: bye bro!
Melody: Bye!

Jonah and I left and went to Starbucks as usual.
We also ordered the usual and sat down to chat.  We started talking and then I bought tate up in the conversation.

Melody: how are things going with you and Tate?
Jonah: can we not talk about her.
Melody: oh why not?
Jonah: I just don't want to.
Melody: ok but did you tell her?
Jonah: yeah I did
Melody: what did she respond with?
Jonah: can we not talk about it
Melody: can you at least tell me what she said
Jonah: I'd rather not
Melody: Jonah is everything ok?
Jonah: it's fine
Melody: well what she say, maybe I can help
Jonah: you can't
Melody: why not?
Jonah: cause she said she likes Daniel not me!

Jonah stood up and left. I felt kinda bad for pestering him but he just stormed off leaving with the car. I also left my phone at home so I couldn't ring anyone. I decided I would have to walk home so I just stood up and left. I walked quietly and slowly thinking of what I had don't wrong. I reached home about 30 minutes later to see Jonah not with the boys so I decided to ask if they knew where he was.

Zach: he went to his room.
Jack: it's best you don't go up there
Daniel: he seemed pretty annoyed
Melody: I know why
Corbyn: you do?
Melody: yeah
Daniel: why?
Melody: you'll find out in a minute but I'm still gonna try talk to him.

I walked upstairs and knocked on Jonah's door, leaning against the frame of it.

Melody: hey Jonah can we talk
Jonah: go away
Melody: please
Jonah: I said go away
Melody: fine you don't have to speak but I'm not leaving.
Jonah: just leave
Melody: hey I was just trying to help back there, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings
Jonah: you tried to help but made it so much worse.
Melody: I didn't mean to ok? But we aren't supposed to be the siblings that argue! We always used to be the ones everyone liked. Well you not so much me. I've never seen you this weak Jonah.
Jonah: Melody, you know I hate reflecting the past
Melody: I'm just saying, I never want to see you hurting this bad.
Jonah: Can you leave now
Melody: no I'm not leaving till you let me in
Jonah: I'm not letting you in
Melody: I'll come back in 10 minutes and if you still don't let me in then I don't know what I'm gonna do but you won't like it
Jonah: Melody I need about an dhour to calm down, I am in pain just wait for me to come downstairs
Melody: fine but I'm sorry
Jonah: I forgive you but tate really hurt me badly, she broke my heart. She meant a lot to me and when she said them words I cried silent tears. This all happened last night. I felt so horrible and I was crying so much that I was able to cry myself to sleep. It's gonna take a while to get over her and I'm gonna have many sleepless nights thinking of this time when she left me broken...

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