PART 16 - Back Home

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Today was the day we were going back home to the boys. I'm not gonna lie I was really excited but I was a bit sad that we had to leave. We spent most of the time from when we woke up till 12:00 packing then after saying our goodbyes to the family Jordan drove me, Corbyn and Jonah to the airport.
We said our final goodbyes to Jordan and headed through our gate. We went through security then made our way to the plane. Me jonah and Corbyn were at the very back of the plane where it's quieter and luckily the seat next to us was empty so we had room to stretch out a bit more. Me and Corbyn were extremely tired as we didn't get much sleep so we decided to take a nap on the plane. As soon as we had permission to remove our seatbelts we did so and lifted up the arm rests making more room.
Corbyn moves up to the side of the plane leaning against it then I laid my head on his chest falling to sleep. Jonah wasn't as tired as he didn't go shopping with us yesterday so he had more time to rest so he just watched a film.
After about 2 hours of in air time the bell went off signalling for us to put our seatbelts back on which me and Corbyn did so. I always hated landing on planes as it makes me feel a bit dizzy so Corbyn intertwined his fingers with mine until we were on the ground.
We exited the plane and went to the lobby of the airport after going through security to wait for the other boys. Me, Corbyn and Jonah had the earliest flight but the rest of the boys would be arriving within the next 30 minutes.
About 10 minutes later jack had arrived and I was so excited to see him. When he saw me running up to him he dropped his bags and held out his arms. I ran into them hugging him tightly.

Melody: we missed you
Jack: I missed you lot too

I pulled away from jack and watched as Corbyn and Jonah greeted him. We all then talked until we saw Daniel heading out way. As I did with jack I ran up to him as he held out his arms. He hugged me tightly as I whispered in his ear.

Daniel: I missed you
Melody: I missed you more
Daniel: impossible
Melody: possible *i giggled*
Daniel: not possible!

He lifted me up spinning me around. Me and Daniel had a bond of siblings so we always messed about with each other. Daniel put me down and then
the rest of the boys greeted him. After Daniel let me down I saw Zach walking towards us behind him, I ran up to him hugging him tightly as well. He hugged back resting his head on mine.

Melody: I missed you
Zach: I missed you too
Melody: did you have a nice Christmas?
Zach: yeah, you?
Melody: duhhhh did you hear that Corbyn proposed?
Zach: I did I'm so happy for you!!

I pulled away

Melody: thank you Zach *i smiled at him*

The other boys came over greeting him with a man hug.

Corbyn: let's get home
Jonah: I think I've had enough of the airport for today
Zach: me too
Daniel: you just got here *he giggles*
Zach: I know but... never mind
Jack: let's go home

We all went outside and got in the car we left in the airport car park whilst we were gone. Jonah driving,we made our way home. We got home about 20 minutes later and the jet lag hadn't kicked in yet so we decided to be old school and play a board game. We decided to play a game of trivial pursuit. Corbyn was the host but everyone else was playing. I started then it went in a clockwise motion: me, daniel, Jonah, jack then Zach.

Corbyn: Melody you start, roll the dice.
*i roll the dice and get 3*
*i move to an arts and literature space*

Corbyn: who painted The Hay Wain - Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso or John Constable?
Melody: John Constable
Corbyn: yes!
Melody: I loved art when I was in school!
Corbyn: daniel your turn
*daniel rolls the dice and rolls 1*
*he moves to a geography space*
Corbyn: Haiti and the Dominican Republic are the only two autonomous Caribbean countries to share landmass. True or false?
Daniel: False?
Corbyn: Nope, it's true!
Daniel: damn
Corbyn: anyways Jonah your turn
*jonah rolls the dice and lands on a 5 so he moves to a sports and leisure space*
Corbyn: Which Formula One team made its debut at the 2005 Australian Grand Prix?
Jonah: Red Bull?
Corbyn: correct!
Jonah: yay!
Jack: my turn!
*jack rolls the dice an it lands on a 3 so he moves to a science and nature space*
Corbyn: what is oology the study of - birds' eggs, nests or feathers?
Jack: Birds' eggs
Corbyn: yep, Zach your turn
*zach rolls the dice and it land on wherever you want space so he goes to an entertainment space*
Corbyn: Who did NOT play the villain Teo-Face in the Batman movies - Tommy Lee Jones, Aaron Eckhart or Val Kilmer?
Zach: Val Kilmer!
Corbyn: correct!

We contined playing until everyone was finished: daniel came first, me second, then Zach, then Jonah and lastly jack. I started feeling a bit tired after the game finished and it felt as if the jet lag was kicking in. Everyone began yawning so we decided it was time to go to sleep.

Everyone went upstairs and said goodnight to each other heading to their rooms. I changed into my comfy sweatpants and one of Corbyns hoodies hoppin in beside him falling asleep after Corbyn kissed me gently on the head.

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