PART 34 - Melodys Birthday

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(Corbyns P.O.V)
I remembered to wake up early today at 5 in the morning so I could sort everything out for Melody's birthday. I got out of bed and got ready. I didn't wake the boys up yet as I was going to put all the balloons and banners up to begin with then wake up the boys so we have enough time to get everything sorted.

Last night I made sure Melody's alarm was set to wake up at 8:00 so we had 3 hours to get everything ready.

I went downstairs and took out the custom made banner saying "Happy Birthday Melody!" With a pretty design and made sure it was quite big. I pinned it between 2 wall and then using the helium can I fill ed up birthday balloons attaching them to strings and weights; some I left to float up to the ceiling. The whole ballon process took about an hour so I decided to wake up the boys. Starting with Daniel and Zach as they take the longest to get ready, then jack and Jonah.

I received the presents from jacks room and took them downstairs. I placed them on the table which had been decorated with confetti and a table cloth. About 30 minutes later all the boys were downstairs. Me and Daniel were going to go to the cake shop down the street that decorated a cake for Melody and were only letting us collect the cake as the manager kindly went to the shop just for us. We collected the cake and got it home safely setting it out in the middle of the table.

The cake was pastel rainbow inside with a white outer layer which had the effect of splashed paint on it with edible glitter.

About 20 minutes before Melody's alarm went off we were all set and decided to make sure we all looked good. We were all in suits and Daniel had his guitar. Later I heard Melody's alarm go off and we took our positions.

(Melody's P.O.V)

I heard my alarm go off and sat up. I went to speak to Corbyn but he wasn't there. I noticed a note beside me and picked it up and read it.

"Hey beautiful, good morning, I hope you had a good sleep as you have a long day ahead of you. Get ready in your best clothes and make your way downstairs :) I love you!
-Your Bean"

I did as the note says and put on my tight black dress. I quickly straightened my hair and a put on a bit of mascara and my heels before making my way downstairs.

I got downstairs and were in shock; standing in from of me were the boys in suits who began singing happy birthday to me. I started tearing up and when they finished I hugged them all.

They then lead me over to the table which was full of gifts and I sat down.

Corbyn: so were gonna start with you reading the card written from that person then the gift.
Zach: starting with mine.
Melody: ok, I'm excited.

I opened the card Zach had written to me and read it aloud:
"Dear Melody,
Happy birthday! I hope you have a great day! Everyday spent with you is really fun, I love your humour and your personality really. Your really kind and i wouldn't wish to have a better girl-best friend, your truly one of a kind. Enjoy my gifts for you! I love you! :)

Melody: aww thank you Zach!
Zach: now the gift.

I opened the gift he got for me and inside was a Gucci bag. When I went shopping with Zach I would always bug him about how much I wanted it and finally he got me it.

Melody: Omg Zach thank you so much!!
Zach: its ok, only for you *he smiled at me*
Jack: my presents now!
Melody: ok!

I opened jacks card and also read it aloud:
"Dear Melody,
Happy birthday! I hope your birthday is just as amazing as you are! You always manage to brighten my day and I wanted to make this really special for you. I hope you enjoy the gift I got you and I love you!

I opened jacks present and inside were some Gucci shoes. I loved Gucci and the boys all knew it.

Melody: Omg jack thank you! I already feel spoilt
Jack: it's ok, love ya.
Jonah: Can we do mine next?
Melody: Sure!

Jonah's cars read:
"Dear Mel,
Happy birthday sis! I am happy to say that over the 20 years I've been alive I haven't hated you for 1 second of it! I know I shouldn't pick favourites, but you are my favourite sister. For my gift, I wanted to give this to you so you know that when I go on tour again with the boys and you can't come that you will always know I'll be by your side. I love you with my whole entire heart and hope you enjoy your gift.

I opened Jonah's gift and it was a ring. It had a small diamond on it and engraved was the date of when Jonah saved my life when no one else would.

Melody: omg Jonah, I'm gonna cry.
Jonah: aww melody, come here
I hugged Jonah
Daniel: do you mind telling us what this date means?
Melody: sure, When I was younger I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and due to the fact that my mother didn't really like me, I never told her when I found out. I only told Jonah and I spent months in hospital. Back then we weren't very rich and didn't have the funds to pay for treatment. Jonah did all he could to help. He worked everyday at different jobs getting about 2 hours sleep each night and he never gave up. I wanted to believe I wasn't going to make it, I hated my life but Jonah had faith and was not going to let me die. It took about 4 months until Jonah could pay the money and no one knew about it. Not mom, dad, siblings or any one at school. I did t go to school in the 9 months of being in hospital and ended up home schooling for a while. I had lost all my hair to treatment but Jonah bought me a wig which I wore for about 2 years until my hair had grown back to its normal length with the help of hair growth oils. This date is the day that I was free of cancer.

I looked around and everyone was crying, I was too.

Daniel: that so meaningful.
Zach: yeah, Jonah your a good person
Jonah: thanks
Melody: ok, well I think we should move on
Daniel: mine next!

Daniels card read:
"Dear Melody,
Woah times gone fast! I can't believe I've known you for about 1 year and about 8 months. I also find it crazy that we have grown so close. Like siblings. You are so close to me and I love hanging out with you. I hope you enjoy your present. Happy birthday! I love you!

Daniels present didn't seem much but when I read it it mean a lot.

Daniel: I know how much you like stars so :)
Melody: thanks so much Daniel!

Daniel had got me a star that will be mine, it's classified as the brightest star and now I claim it.

Corbyn: that's cool!
Jonah: wow!
Melody: thank you!
Corbyn: now for mine.
Melody: ooooooo

Corbyns cars read:
"Dear Melody,
Happy birthday babe! I hope you have a fantastic day and enjoy your gifts. Being with you has really been an enjoyable experience and I can't wait to make lots more memories together. You mean so much to me and I would do anything for you, and when you open your gift you'll understand why. Anyway I love you sooooooo much!

I opened Corbyns gift and fell to the floor in tears.

Melody: NO WAY!
Corbyn: yeah
Melody: did you not see how much that costs?
Corbyn: I did, but I love you too much that I had too.

It was the necklace from the expensive jewellery shop and everyone looked surprised as they know how much it costs too.

Zach: Corbyn, you have literally just proved that your the best boyfriend ever
Jack: what a guy
Daniel: this makes my heart melt
Jonah: I think I made a good deduction letting this happen, wow.
Corbyn: I also bought you a few hoodies and some of your favourite hair care products.
Melody: I can't believe this.
Daniel: well, you still have a whole day ahead of you, let's go!

The rest of the day was spent eating cake and we also went out to my favourite posh restaurant. Today was the best day ever.

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