Part 38 - Europe!

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~a few weeks later~

In the morning I decided to FaceTime the baby sitter, Niamh, to ask how teddy and sparkle are doing, I also decided to leave Ariel with her as I thought it would be best.

Niamh: Hey Melody! What's up?
Melody: Just called to see how everyone's doing.
Niamh: we're all good, where are you now?
Melody: Well were on our way to Europe right now. We're in the airport. About to board.
Niamh: oh ok cool, well yeah we're all good, and hope you have fun!
Melody: Thank you, I'll talk later!
Niamh: Yeah, bye!
Melody: Byeeee!

*End Of Facetime*

We all boarded the plane and sat in our seats. Me, Corbyn, daniel, Jonah, Jack, and Zach were on one jet and Shawn and his group of people were on a different private jet as there wasn't much room however they said they would meet us outside by the tour bus that would be waiting.

The journey was about 8 hours and most of it was spent watching films and playing some games.

We arrived in London which was the first show and went to the hotel. There were 2 London shows in a row one tomorrow and one the day after and we were going to be staying for another 2 days after that before making our way to the next stop.

The rest of the day was spent settling in and exploring London before later going to sleep early to get over the jet lag and have enough energy for tomorrow.

~The Next Day~

I was woken up to Tyler banging on mine and Corbyns hotel door to tell us to wake up and get ready.

Shawna Manager: Get up and be ready in and hour to go round London before making your way to the venue for 5:00 to rehearse!
Melody: Ugh I don't wanna get up
Corbyn: Me neither, let's stay here and cuddle for another 10 minutes
Melody: Only 10 cause it takes me forever to get ready; I need to pick the perfect outfit along with doing my hair and make up
Corbyn:you don't need all that makeup. you're beautiful the way you are. mascara and concealer or whatever is what I've heard is the main things girls want to put on.
Melody: And do their eyebrows
Corbyn: that's way too much. Today I want you to do mascara concealer and eyebrows if you have too. No more. I want to see you confident to go out in public without all the makeup. If you're confident around me and the boys you can be outside.
Melody: on one condition
Corbyn; go ahead...
Melody: you buy me ice cream
Corbyn: Of course, I'll even take you out on a date in London when we're done with both shows.
Melody: aww I love you.
Corbyn: I love you too.
Melody: well then let's get up now.
Corbyn: ok.

~Skip to the Concert~

I was standing backstage helping the boys get ready as the fans piled in filling up the arena.

Melody: So boys, first arena show international
Zach: yeah I'm nervous
Jack: me too
Melody: Just don't fall and you'll be fine
Corbyn: Are you taking the mick out of me?
Melody: *sarcastically* nooooooooo
Daniel: Melody, I'd run
Corbyn: when I catch you you know I'm gonna tickle you!
Melody: NOOOO

Corbyn started to chase after me as the boys just laughed at me. When Corbyn caught me he did what he said he'd do and tickled me.

Melody: Hey stop stop

Corbyn cut of my screaming by kissing me on the lips.

Corbyn: I love you
Melody: Love you too, but seriously that was hilarious when you fell in front of 15,000 people, can we all think of that moment again?

(Melody's P.O.V)
Air of the night was blasting through the speakers. I was so proud of the boys, they were doing so good up on stage. I loved it when they were smooth stepping. It's honestly my favourite part.
It was coming to the end of the song and they just stopped smooth stepping and I think I spoke to early about the fact they were doing so good on stage. Well they were but when Corbyn jumped to end the smooth stepping he fell.
I didn't know whether to laugh or worry but I ended up laughing. He had fallen in the MSG arena during Jingle Ball in front of 15,000 people. He must be so embarrassed.
*End Of flashback*
Corbyn: I'm gonna kill you
Melody: impossible
Corbyn: True I love you too much
Shawn: ok get ready guys you're about to go on.

Me and Corbyn got off the floor and I told them good luck before they stood in places and started the show. I made my way in front of the stage and began taking some photos. I also switched between going on stage at the back totake photos as well. The fans were screaming loud and when they finished the boys invited Shawn on stage in which the fans started to chant "SHAWN SHAWN SHAWN!"

Melody: You guys did good out there
Daniel: Thanks
Jonah: Oh and Corbyn didn't fall this time.
Corbyn: Hey!
Zach: Aren't you supposed to be taking photos for Shawn?
Jack: Yeah, you are his photographer after all?
Melody: He goes on in 5 minutes and I couldn't wait to tell you that you did great on stage.
Zach: Fair enough
Corbyn: Well you should go now, he's about to go on
Jonah: well meet you in the dressing room after.
Melody: Ok bye!

I went to take some photos of Shawn and once the show finished I went to the dressing room to the boys. We stayed there and went through the pictures before making our way back to the hotel.
When we got back I fell asleep almost instantly in Corbyns arms.
The other London show the next day was pretty similar but was much louder. And I couldn't wait for it to end as then I could look forwards to going on my date with Corbyn after having not been on one for like 4 months.

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