PART 28 - The Apointments

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Like all wedded couples me and Corbyn were going to be going on a honeymoon and we decided we were going to spend it on Australia however since the news of me being pregnant came we didn't want to go until we had gone to any appointments and we wanted to find a time during the pregnancy where there would be about 2 weeks of no appointments or anything important. We visited the doctor and they said that we can arrange all appointments that are vital today and if at any time we need to go in we could.
The dates we needed to book were
-The 3 checkups (at least a week apart from each)
-The gender of the baby
-To find out when the due date will be.

They were the dates we had to book before our honey moon. Any others were fine to be done after.

They were the 5 dates we booked and we booked them close together so we had time after the appointments for the honey moon. Since there were 5 appointments to go to we decided to book them over 5 weeks, 1 appointment each week.
Appointment 1:
The first check up
Appointment 2:
The second check up
Appointment 3:
The due date
Appointment 4:
The gender
Appointment 5:
The last checkup

The next month or so was going to be eventful. The first appointment was in about 2 weeks time though.

For the next 2 weeks we spent most of the time with friends coming over congratulating us on our marriage and the pregnancy and Corbyn constantly checking up on me to see how I was doing. Corbyn was pretty much like this everyday when I woke up:

Corbyn: hey good morning baby! And baby!
Melody: good morning *gighles*
Corbyn: how are you? Do you want anything to drink? Anything to eat? Do you want to go downstairs? I can help.
Melody: wow so many questions.
Corbyn: I've never had a child before and I want to make sure your ok!
Melody: I'm fine, I'm only about 3 weeks in.
Corbyn: well would you like anything?
Melody: a water and some watermelon will be fine, I really fancy watermelon right now and we always have one sitting in the fridge because of Daniel so you know why not, anyway I'm just going to get dressed and come downstairs.
Corbyn: I'll rephrase that for you: I'm just going to put on one of your hoodies and my shorts then come downstairs
Melody: pretty much *giggles* I'll see you downstairs.

So everyday I put on one of Corbyns  hoodies and my pyjama shorts and went downstairs the Corbyn in the kitchen cutting up watermelon and putting it in a bowl. I would sit down on the couch and he would bring it into me with the water handing it to me and picking up the remote putting on the next episode of 13 reasons why.

Today was the first baby check up and I was about 5 weeks in now, only 31 more weeks to go. Me and Corbyn got up nice and early and got ready. I wore a comfy tracksuit which I had to get used to as I wound be able to wear jeans for much longer. I did my make-up and put my hair in a low ponytail before putting on my shoes and getting in the car with Corbyn heading to the hospital.
At the hospital Corbyn and I sorted stuff out with the receptionist before waiting in the waiting room until we were called in by what will be the midwife: Mrs. Mason.

Mrs.Mason: Hello Melody and this must be Corbyn?
Corbyn: yeah, that's me!
Mrs.Mason: so today is the first check up, am I right?
Melody: yes you are.
Mrs.Mason: Ok Melody do you mind just laying on the bed and revealing your stomach?
Melody: No that's fine

I did as Mrs Mason said and payed on the bed pulling up my shirt to show my stomach.

Mrs.Mason: Well since i last seen you you've grown a little bit. It's not very noticeable but it's there. And I would like to warn you this is going to be cold.
Melody: go for it.

She put a bit of that jelly stuff on my stomach and speed it out with the monitor. I wasn't able to see the screen but Corbyn was and so was Mrs.Mason so she told me how it was going whilst Corbyn looked at the screen whilst holding my hand.

Mrs.Mason: As you can see the baby is growing very well at one month in. And the body shape is forming. Here are the hands and fingers and over here the toes and feet. The head is obviously here and the body here. That's pretty much it.
Corbyn: oh cool, so it's fine and healthy
Melody: that's good.
Mrs.Mason: yeah all is healthy, here take these you can wipe the jelly off before you go, I'm not sure you'll like to walk around with it on you all day.
Melody: thank you.

I wiped off the jelly and me and Corbyn left happy that the baby is healthy. When we got home we told the boys the news and spent the rest of the day watching movies.

The next appointment was pretty much the same however I was bigger and the baby had developed more. The appointment after that we found out the due date. They said that the due date is December 27th 2018. It seemed so far away however I knew that time was going to fly by and it would be here quicker than ever. The appointment after that was when we were finding out the gender. Me and Corbyn decided that we weren't going to have it as a surprise for us and we weren't going to have a baby shower but after telling everyone close to us we were then going to be revealing it to be fans by popping a ballon as an Instagram post. We found out that the baby was... A GIRL! Me and Corbyn both wanted a girl as it wouldn't be as hype as a boy would and a little Corbyn running around would be a lot to cope as Corbyn is sometimes crazy. However a little melody running around wouldn't be so crazy as I'm more calm than Corbyn. Most of the time. The last appointment about 2 months into the pregnancy the baby - which we were figuring out names for - was healthy and developed enough to go on a flight.

The week after the last appointment was the holiday and what would be the baby's first time on a plane...

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