PART 35 - Opportunity

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~A few months later~

(Melody's P.O.V)

It was about 6 in the afternoon and I was in the car with Corbyn and Ariel going to the doctors for Ariels appointment. She was now about 4 months old and was growing quickly. She was having her last set of injections as a baby today, two in her right arm, one in her left. We arrived and we went in.

Melody: Were here for Ariel-Mae Bessons appointment.
Receptionist: ok, would you like to take a seat in the waiting room the doctor will be out in a few minutes.
Melody: thank you.

We waited patiently until it was time to go in.

Doctor: Melody and Corbyn Besson?
Corbyn: over here.
Doctor: Would you like to follow me?
Melody: sure.

We went into the room and sat down. I held Ariel tight as the doctor proceeded to inject her. Ariel began crying hysterically which was expected but we finished and left.

Melody: Well done Ariel, you did good
Corbyn: Sometimes I wonder what she thinks were saying.
Melody: same

We went back home to the boys and sat down. Daniel took Ariel out of her car seat and took her, he loved Ariel, he always managed to make her fall asleep on him and I honestly found it so cute. She was started crying when we arrived back home and Daniel decided he would try and stop her so that's what he did. Whilst he did the i was talking to Corbyn.

Corbyn: you see this, that's what I want
Melody: that is nice
Corbyn: And it's big enough for all of us
Melody: oh cool, like a room each?
Corbyn: well just about there's only 5 rooms but that's better than 3 so.
Melody: we'd be together anyway.
Corbyn: yeah, I'll suggest it to the boys.
Melody: ok, oh and it also has a balcony over a pool, and is on a hill with an amazing view of Hollywood.
Corbyn: yeah, well enough about that, I want cuddles.
Melody: of course you do.

Corbyn stretches himself across the couch and I laid on top of him, arms around his neck and my head on his chest. His hands were on my waist and we lay there silent. I could hear his heart beating soft. The quiet breathing of Ariel sleeping along with Daniel who had Ariel on his chest asleep, and him falling asleep.
It was so peaceful, the other boys were upstairs and all was silent. It was moments like this that I loved; knowing that no matter how quiet someone could be, it's still brings everyone closer.

~ 2 hours later~
(Corbyns P.O.V)

I woke up and Melody was still laying on me asleep, I didn't want to wake her but I had to take a photo. I reached for my phone and took a picture. I carefully, making sure not to wake Melody, posted it on my Instagram with the caption "It's moments like this that matter"
I then looked over at Daniel and Ariel who were both still asleep, everyone was quietly sleeping.

It was about 9:00 pm and none of us had dinner. I decided I would order some pizza, which would arrive in about 30 minutes and placed my phone on the coffee table. I rested my hands back on Melody's waist and closed my eyes.

(Melody's P.O.V)

I heard the doorbell ring and went to grab it.

Corbyn: I ordered pizza as we haven't ate
Melody: oh ok, I'll get it

I took 3 of the pizzas back to the living room and took 3 upstairs to jack, Zach and Jonah, who were playing a card game.

Jonah: Oh thanks Mel
Jack: yeah thanks
Zach: thank youuu
Melody: your welcome, but since when did you play card games
Jack: we don't really know
Zach: we were bored
Jonah: and we had nothing to do on our phones
Melody: ok if you say so, I'm gonna go now tho, bye!
Jonah: Bye!
Zach: Bye!
Jack: Bye!

I went back downstairs to Corbyn and Daniel already eating their pizza. I noticed Corbyn now had Ariel and she was awake sittin in Corbyns lap whilst eating his pizza. I sat down and took a slice of my pizza. I sat back eating it whilst scrolling through my phone.
I went on to Instagram to upload a new photo of mine as I enjoy taking photos and recently I have been getting a lot of recognition from many people. I noticed that I had a DM I checked who it was from and when I found out I could not believe it.

Melody: OMG! No way!
Corbyn: you seem happy, what happened?
Daniel: so happy you scared Ariel
Melody: I'm sorry Ariel but i just got a DM from someone asking if I could take some photos for them like be their photographer.
Jonah: What's all this shouting about
Zach: we just heard melody scream
Jack: What happened?
Daniel: well melody just said-
Corbyn: She got a DM from someone-
Melody: Asking if I could be thief photographer
Zach: well why's that exciting?
Jack: Zach, it depends
Zach: on what
Jonah: on who it is and why
Zach: ohhhh, so who is it and why?
Everyone: WHAT?!?
Melody: He says he want me to be his photographer for his tour!
Jonah: That's crazy!
Corbyn: When is this?
Melody: I'm wait let me ask.

Shawn: Hey, Melody right? I have been looking at your photography and I have been impressed by it that I would like to ask you a favour. Would you like to be my photographer for my tour? x

Melody: Ok I'm actually freaking out right now but when abouts is it and do you think I could bring a friend? x

Shawn: It will be over the next 2 months, and you'll only be able to bring 1 friend due to the lack of space :)

Melody: Yeah that's fine! Thank you so much!

Shawn: No problem!

(End of DMS)

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