Part 49 - What next?

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~A few months later~

(Melody's P.O.V)

Me and Corbyn were cuddling on the couch when a very excited Daniel walked through the door, he left early this morning and only just came back.

Melody: I don't think I've ever seen you soo happy.
Corbyn: Get over here, we want all the details of why you're so happy.

Me and Corbyn day up from cuddling each other as Daniel came over and sat down.

Daniel: So, Melody, you know the girl I met on that dating website a few months ago?
Melody: I'm aware yes.
Daniel: well over the past few months I've been going on small dates with her, I didn't tell you guys, I'm sorry but today I asked her to be my girlfriend.
Corbyn: I'm guessing she said yes, and what's her name?
Daniel: YES. And her name is Harper.

Me and Corbyn listened to Daniel telling us about the dates he's been on with her and how much of a connection they have. He even told us about how he believes that they are soulmates and all that blabber. Finally he went off about how me and Niamh would be best friends with her before he ran upstairs.
I giggled at his silliness as Jonah and Niamh walked in with Jaycee and Ariel.

Ariel: MOMMY!
Corbyn: What about daddy?

Ariel stuck her young out at Corbyn as she hugged me. I giggled at her as Corbyn acted upset.

Melody: Hey Guys.
Corbyn: How was the park?
Jonah: torture.
Niamh: it was really fun.
Jonah: I had to chase after Niamh and Ariel.
Niamh: we got Ice creams.
Jonah: I got pushed down the slide.
Niamh: we got so many cute photos.
Corbyn: sounds eventful.

We laughed as Jonah collapsed on the sofa beside Corbyn and as Niamh too Jaycee upstairs to change.

Jonah: Where's Daniel?
Corbyn: Upstairs, he got a girlfriend.
Jonah: wha-
Melody: Don't ask, he's happy and she sounds nice.
Jonah: ok, and jack and Zach?
Corbyn: haven't seen that all day.

The door opened after Corbyn finished speaking revealing jack and Zach with tear stains down their face.

Ariel: Uncle jack, uncle Zach, why are you crying?
Jack: Hey baby, don't worry, look go upstairs and find Jaycee. Play with her.
Zach: and can you tell Daniel and Jaycees mom to come downstairs.

She knifed at them as she ran upstairs.
A few minutes later I heard a clutter of toys on the floor and Daniel and Niamh come downstairs.
They joined everyone in the lounge and we sat looking at Zach and jack.

Zach: we don't really know-
Jack: How to tell you this-
Zach: we were-
Jack: really worried-
Zach: please don't-
Jack: hate us-
Zach: but we're both-
Jack: gay, I love Zach-
Zach: and I love jack.

I stared in shock at the boys who were sitting there anxiously. No one said anything. They both started fiddling with their fingers.
I stood up and went to them and hugged them.
The others followed in my actions and we smiled at them so they know we accept their decision

Jaycee: uncle Zach loves uncle jack?
Ariel: uncle jack loves uncle Zach?
Melody: how long have you been standing there?
Ariel: since the beginning.

We giggled at them as I turned to them, motioning for them to come over.
Ariel day on Corbyns lap facing me and Jaycee stood next to her.

Melody: yeah, basically uncle Zach and uncle jack both love eachother like mommy and daddy do.

Ariel got off Corbyns lap and hugged the boys.
Jaycee followed and we all just smiled.


~ A few years later~

It's been a few years since jack and Zach announce that they're gay. And since Daniel announce him having a girlfriend. The fans know about both of their relationships.

Me and Niamh met Harper and she's really nice! We are like the golden trio.

Harper and Daniel are married and expecting twins and I'm so excited for them! Zach and jack are planning on getting married soon after they've been on tour.

With the busy schedules of the boys always being on tour Jaycee and Ariel are homeschooled although Corbyn being so smart helps a lot! Daniel is actually tracing Jaycee to play the piano since she said she wanted to learn. Ariel said she likes taking photos with daddy so Corbyn helps with that too. On tour it's always the boys, me, Niamh and Harper along with Ariel and Jaycee. Tyler being their tour manager and Zack as their photographer they come along too meaning the bus is very packed. I fact we have a massive tour bus as there are so many of us.

~ The boys are now like 60 ~

Daniel and Harper has their twins and named them Elijah and Jayden, both boys. Everyone was grown up now: Jaycee, Ariel and them are now moved out and living by themselves. I miss not seeing them often but it does create a lot of space on the tour bus.

Zach and Jack finally got married and took each other's last name: Zachary dean Herron Avery, Jack Robert Herron Avery. I have to say they are one of the cutest gay couples ever. They would still get a little bit of hate for it but they knew they loved eachother and nothing would stop them.

The boys fandom has also grown massively. And by massively I mean they are performing in the biggest arenas around the world and it's all thanks to the limelight's.

But unfortunately the next tour they go on is in every single country over the world, in the biggest arenas performing for the most amount of people for the last time in each country before living the rest of their life...

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