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16 JANUARY 2018

i had to present in class for
the first time in front of both
boys and girls

it was very nerve-wrecking
and when i noticed that you
were focusing while i talked ,
i got more nervous
but i don't know why ...

i accidentally skipped a line
which i was supposed to say
and because of that , my group
had to rush the conclusion
and end the presentation

i immediately broke down
when i got back to my seat ,
after all i am someone who
lacks self confidence

but when it was your turn to
present , i suddenly felt better

because the way you stood up
and the way you spoke to the class
was very cute

you crouched and also
moved around alot as you

you were quite shy so you didn't
face the audience and only
made eye contact with the teacher

but as soon as your group ended
the presentation , we made eye contact
and you looked away immediately

why did you do that ?

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