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13 FEBRUARY 2018

i avoided you the whOLE DAY

everytime you approached me
during recess , free time or
in class , i would always walk
away to talk with jisung and minho

in your face hwang hyunjin

the last period for the day
was mathematics and we
were supposed to take
a test .

" partner up with someone
for this mini maths test "
the teacher said .

i looked around , checking
if there was anyone
without a partner .

jisung gestured at me to
sit with him but then ,

you suddenly came over to
my seat with your chair and pen

and also with that sweet ,
sweet smile of yours .

" you're mine for today "
you said , before beaming
at jisung who was on the
opposite side of the class .

" go away " i stood up
carrying my paper .

" stay " you gripped onto
my wrist .

" what makes you think
that i want to be your
partner " i shook off your grip .

" just for now , ara "
you pleaded .

" i'll give you full marks
for this test " you smirked

i mean ...

who wouldn't want to be
partners with a smart kid right ?

i sat down beside you and
jisung showed me a thumbs
up sign .

i saw him approach ryujin
too , and apparently she
accepted him as her partner .

we didn't talk at all
throughout the test .

i also noticed that you often
hesitated to say something .

i avoided eye contact and
left all the work to you
since you said you wanted
to give me full marks .

" why are you avoiding me ? "
you asked .

i shrugged .

" is it because of that kiss ?
i'm guessing you found out
about the dare part ... "

my face remained blank .

" i just want you to know ,
that everything i did that day
actually meant something to
me , and that's why i want you
to be my valentine for tomor– "

" ohHH so let me guess , this a
dare too huh ? do you think
of me as someone who doesn't
have feelings , hyunjin ? " i went
off loudly and the whole class
heard what i said .

" just ... stay away from
me from now on ... " i
muttered before apologising
to the teacher and leaving
the class with my stuff .

now everyone knows about
what's happening between us

how embarrassing

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