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your seat was empty today
for the first time this year

i automatically thought that
you were absent

not that i care or anything

i suddenly lost my motivation
to study

it was honestly really quiet
that lesson , jisung and minho
were unusually silent too

suddenly there was a knock
on the class door before it opened
revealing a tired , panting hyunjin

" good morning , teacher ,"
you said in english jokingly to our
korean literature teacher , mrs seo

i tried to contain my laughter ,
so i only smiled at your dorkiness

" good morning hyunjin , why
are you late today ," mrs seo replied
in english , chuckling

" traffic , jam– uh cars many many cars "
you said in your hoarse morning voice .

i chuckled , resting my chin
on my left hand , looking at you .

" oh why is your voice like that , hyunjin ?"
mrs seo asked again .

" ah i– just now eat , uh hot potato !
hot masheu potato ," you grinned
widely , proud of your english .

mrs seo laughed , along with the
whole class . i seemed to be the only
one laughing very loud .

so as you went back to your seat ,
you glanced at me and smiled ,
and i smiled back

god , hwang hyunjin
stop making me soft for you ???


a/n : this really just happened and i'm writing this in class omfeghwhejdhd

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