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16 MARCH 2018

besides i love you

you wrapped your arms
around me and pulled me
close , gently patting my
back .

despite the heaviness in
my stomach , it fluttered
at the feeling of my body
pressed against yours .

i sunk into the warmth of
your side , appreciative
of the simple yet sweet
gesture of yours .

your touch made the room
feel warmer somehow .

i sneaked a smile as i slowly
hugged you back .

it lasted for only a
few minutes which
actually felt like forever .

you pulled away slowly and
held me by my shoulders .

" hey , i know this is gonna
be sudden but uh , you
wanna get out of here for
today ? " you smirked as
you wiped away my tears
using your sleeve .

" w-what ? " i grinned
a little .

you took my hand again ,
but this time intertwining
our fingers .

" this is gonna be my first
time skipping , and i would
love it if you're the first one i
do it with "

and you continued staring
deep into my eyes .

it was like , nothing  bad
happened between us
before this .

it was as if the dare
never happened .

" but we're the class moni- "

" shh ... we're just hwang
hyunjin and kwon ara for
today " you put a finger
against my lips , smirking .

i never knew you
were such a tease

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