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17 MARCH 2018

i got off the motor bike
before helping you down
as well .

i looked around to make
sure nobody saw us together .

" why are you being so cautious "
you asked me confused .

i hesitated , afraid you
would misunderstand .

" uh ... "

" what is it ? "

" we're gonna keep this a
secret for a while right ? "
i said as i tightened my
backpack .

" why do you think we should..? "

" i mean ... you're gonna
"break up" with jisung today
so if people found out about
us , they would think you're
an easy girl or something "

" oh .... i never thought about
that " you said before covering
your mouth with widened eyes .

" that's why you need a
boyfriend like me " i pinched
your cheeks and ruffled your
hair a little .

" stop it , you just said we
should keep it a secret " you
hit me once on the chest .

" okay okay , let's get in "
we only held each other's
pinky finger , in case someone
saw us .

but apparently , i think
someone really did saw us
together .

he wore a mask and looked
away once i made eye contact
with him , his eyes were
familiar too .

seungmin ?

" alright , jisung's there .
i should go now " you whispered
once we entered the school hallway
and let go of our hands .

i just watched as you ran
towards your locker, then
exchanged gestures with
jisung and minho .

i chuckled a little , seeing
you act all serious while
taking a few deep breaths .

you started approaching
jisung and so did he . but
once you reached , you
just passed him by .

" kwon ara " i heard him say,
but you just ignored him .

" kwON ARA " he shouted
causing everyone in the hallway
to look at the two of you .

" what " you stopped in
your steps .

" i have something to tell you "
jisung turned you around to
face him .

the hallway was already
quiet by then , after all
everyone loves drama right?

" i ... think i have something
to say too " you looked down
at your feet and jisung told you
to mention it first .

" the truth is ... the both of us
are confused aren't we ? it's
clear that we have feelings for
somebody else and we're just
dating to distract ourselves
from the other person " you
continued , slowly looking up
to face him .

" yes ... i think so too , you
have feelings for ... him and
i like ... her , so i guess it's
best for us to stay as best
friends " jisung sighed .

" sooo ... just friends ? "
you brought up your arm
for a handshake before
jisung held your hand .

" best friends " jisung
smiled back and pulled
you into a hug .

what ? expected the
crowd to give us a
round of applause ?

no honey , this is the
cold reality .

everyone only cares
about drama , and not
happy endings .

after they hugged , i
approached them and
entered class together
laughing about how
awkward it was .

" glad that was settled ,
now you two can tell
everyone about your- "
jisung chattered .

" sHHH not yet , we're
gonna wait till it's time "
i shushed him before
smiling at you .

i waved them goodbye as
i walked towards my friends
at the back of the class .

" hyunjin , i see you got
yourselves some new friends "
woojin raised an eyebrow .

" whatt hahah nooo , i just
happened to hear a joke
jisung was telling so i laughed
along " i chuckled nervously .

" sure .... by the way , why didn't
you wait for us at the school gate
today ? " bangchan asked .

" o-oh i had something to
collect from mrs seo earlier ,
sorry i forgot to tell you guys "
i made up an excuse , right
before the teacher entered our
classroom .

we all hurried to our seats
and greeted her as per normal .

after we sat down , seungmin
who was sitting next to me
threw over a crumpled note .

' is there anything you
wanna tell me ? '

i wrote back , pretending
not to know anything .

' no , what do you mean ? '

while the teacher was
busy setting up her materials,
he came over to my table and
whispered .

" i know about you and ara ,
but don't worry i'll keep it a
secret ! just assume you have
to do something in return ... "
seungmin smirked .

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