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" so you all are to interview
some people here and ask
them about their experience
working or studying here in
Seoul National University ,"

mrs seo announced as the whole
class sat on the floor
of the university hall

we sighed and looked
at each other .

" you do the talking and
i'll film it," i quickly said .

" aw but i don't think
i'm that good at speaking ,
i haven't prepared the
questions yet too ," you replied

i was about to snap back
but you interrupted me

" i want ara to do the
talking ~ " you continued ,
this time with aegyo

ksjdkjaks hwang hyunjin

" fine "

and then i agreed

" and don't do that again ,"
i mumbled , looking at you
in disgust

you smirked and reached
out your hand , offering
to help me get up after
mrs seo dismissed us

i purposely ignored it , and
got up on my own

why ?

i need to be more lowkey

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