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a/n : read this with the background
in white for a better experience uwu

24 MARCH 2018

" bye !! " i waved goodbye
as minho and i separated
ways .

i skipped my way back home
after a whole day of hard
work and studying ... i guess

it started to drizzle abit
as i got closer to my house .
i started to hasten my steps
so as to not get wet .

i was reaching for my house
keys in the front pocket of
my bag when i heard glass
shattering .

followed by cries and yells
of my parents inside .

they were fighting ... again .

what should i do ? just enter
the house and let dad take his
anger out on me ?

i started trembling at the
thought of dad beating me
with his belt again .

my eyes started to well
up with tears as i took a
few steps back .

i felt like running far away
from them , and i did .

is it my fault ? maybe they
are fighting because of me .

i bolted down the roads and
alleys of the town , and
eventually found myself in
front of your house .

i rang the doorbell , and there
stood a middle aged lady .

" ara !! someone's here for
you !! bring a towel along ! " she
called out for you , and then
quickly unlocked the door gates
" are you alright sweetie ??
you're all wet ! "

i was standing there in the
heavy downpour , my clothes
soaked with water , when your
mother pulled me inside to
stand on the door mat .

" oh my god jisung ! are you
okay ?? you're soaking wet ! "
you helped me remove my
bag and put a towel around me .

" what happened ?? where's
minho ?? " you asked , concerned .

" i-i'm sorry mrs kwon for
disturbing i- " i came to my
senses and started
apologising profusely .

" no no , don't worry honey !
you should get some dry
clothes first ! " your mum
dried my hair with the towel
and then wrapped it around me
again .

" hurry and bring him to your
room , lend him your clothes "
she ordered and you nodded .

you held my hand tightly and
brought me up to your bedroom .

you shut the door close and
told me to stand in your
toilet since water was still
dripping from me .

" ara- let me explain first-"

" no ! go and take a shower
and get yourself warm first ,
then we'll talk " you handed me
some of your oversized
clothes and looked at me
with sympathy .

i took a short warm shower
and hurriedly put the clothes
on . as i was wearing the tee ,
something hanging on the
back of the door caught my
eye .

i felt my cheeks heating
up ... it was ara's ...

what am i thinking ?!

i immediately shifted
my eyes somewhere else
and covered my eyes as
i opened the bathroom
door .

" why are you closing your
eyes like that- oh wait .
shit . did i leave my bra in
there ?? " you shrieked .

" ...y-yeah " i got a bit
flustered as i continued
drying my hair with a towel .

" sorry HAHA that must've
been weird for you , now follow
me " you opened the bedroom
windows .

" um... where ? isn't it still
raining outside ? " i asked .

" yeah but there's shelter , we
won't get wet if we sit here "
you climbed out the window,
bringing along your jacket .

" take that jacket on the bed
if you want , it's cold out here "
you pointed to the jacket on
your bed .

i tagged along behind you and
soon we found ourselves
sitting on window roof ledge
thingy .

" now tell me , what happened?
are you okay ? " you asked
as you sat and hugged your legs .

" i'm... i wanna apologise first
for coming to your house and
bothering you , my instincts
told me to come here so i did .."

" it's okay , jisung ... i'm here
for you , did something happen?"

and then i told you everything .
i ranted to you about the whole
situation between my mum and
my dad .

i noticed that you weren't
anywhere near judging me .

usually people would be
silenced after hearing
something like this , not
knowing what to say .

but you were perfect .

you comforted me gently ,
telling me that everything
was going to be alright ,
and at the same time giving
me hope and strength .

one look from you and
i am whole, the rain stops,
the wind ceases.

hearing your soothing
words made me shed
a tear , never have i met
someone who understood
me this much .

it was embarrassing tho

a tear rolled down my
cheek , and ara wiped
it away .

" now stop crying , aren't
you embarrassed HAHA .
what would ryujin do if
she sees you like thi- oh
wait ! i forgot that you
moved on already ! " you
laughed cutely .

cutely ?

yes , cutely .

" are you really sure that
you don't have feelings
for someone new ? " you
asked me , looking deep
into my eyes .

how beautiful

" hmm , i think ... "

i looked down at my hands ,
my fingers were fidgeting .

" i do like someone
now " i muttered .

i didn't hear a reply from
you . as i looked up , i saw
you reaching your hand out
for the rain .

you had a pretty smile
on your face , you even
chuckled to yourself .

i can feel my heart
pounding in my chest .

dugeun dugeun dugeun

dugeun dugeun dugeun

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woah .

i like you , kwon ara

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