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18 AUGUST 2018

it has been months
since we started dating .

from the picnics , study dates
and to every single late night
facetimes we had , thank you
for reminding me what
butterflies felt like .

we still were being lowkey
about our relationship at
school though , no one found
out except for ( of course )
that dandy guy seungmin .

it kind of made me sad ,
it's as if hyunjin is ashamed of
dating someone like me .. but
it's partly my fault for not
bringing it up .

i never really brought it up
to him because i was scared that
it could lead to a fight

and i really don't want that
to happen .

that morning , we were late
to school so lucky us , hyunjin's
friends saw him give me a ride
to school , since they were late
too .

" oh ? what is this ? wait wait ...
ara and you are a couple ??? "
changbin exclaimed with an
appalled face .

i noticed how you quickly
let go of my hand and
then you whispered ," don't
worry , i can handle this "

there he goes again , trying
really hard to hide our
relationship from his friends .

" no !! what are you guys
talking about ! i just happened
to pass by her , and we were
late so i just offered her a ride "
he chuckled , being really good
at acting .

the other boys seemed pretty
convinced and walked ahead
of us first .

we waited for them to go ,
then you suddenly held on
to my hand once again .

i let go of it slowly .

you looked at me , confused .

" if we're gonna keep it a
secret forever , why don't
we just avoid each other
from now on " i blurted out
avoiding eye contact with you .

i walked away from you ,
each step being heavier than
the previous one , despite
hearing you call my name .

" wait , ara i didn't know you
felt that way i- "

" i never meant to make you
feel hurt ! "

" ara please listen to me "

" kwon ara ! "

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