1 0 . 2

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( here's a summary of the two chapters since i really can't recall that much )

ara had to sit alone on the bus on the way to a school learning journey . that was when hyunjin decides to sit next to her and start a conversation with her .

" i guess we're both loners
now HAHA " hyunjin said

" uh ouch ? " ara replied

" no , i mean ... you don't
have to worry now since
i have you , and you have me "
hyunjin tried to cheer ara up .

at the same time , his mind

ara felt her heart race after
hearing him say those words .

" what about we come up with
a name for the both of us ?
is hyunara okay ? " he asked
cheerfully .

" hyunara sounds CUTE "
minho said out of nowhere .

the two turned around
to see minho and jisung
eavesdropping their
conversation .

" y'all in this house we
ship HYUNARA !! " jisung
shouted for the whole bus
to hear .

" shut up jisung " ara snapped .

hyunjin noticed that ara
turned away immediately ,
her ears red .

he thought it was cute .

since the trip there took a
lomg time , all the students
either took a nap or played
with their phones .

ara was leaning against the
window sleeping , but her
head kept hitting it because
of the bumpy road.

hyunjin noticed , before gently
putting her head on his shoulder .

ara wasn't really deep in her
sleep so she just pretended
to be unconscious when hyunjin
did so .

ara thought ' i hope he doesn't
notice that my heart is beating
faster , because i can already
hear his racing .

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