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17 MARCH 2018

the door to the rooftop
bursted open , revealing
seungmin who was catching
his breath .

you and i were too shocked
that we remained frozen in
our spots .

seungmin looked around and
finally spotted us in a corner .

he gestured at us to " hide "

so i hurriedly told you to
crawl under the tables and
hide behind the chairs .

i quickly tagged along
behind you and the second
i settled down , we heard
voices of the other guys .

" are they here , seungmin ? "
we peeked through the chairs
and saw seungmin with the
rest of the boys .

i could feel my heart beating
faster , i held onto your hand
tighter .

" uhhh i just looked around
and they're not here " seungmin
replied confidently .

" .... are you sure about that "
woojin took a few steps in
front to take a closer look
at the tables and chairs .

" dude , i said they're not
here . " seungmin stopped
woojin and gently pushed
him back .

" let's search for them
somewhere else , have you
guys checked the space
under the staircase ? "
seungmin suggested .

" nope , let's go there now
then ... " changbin opened
the door before the others
followed him down the stairs .

seungmin was the last one
and he waited until the rest
are at least one level down
the flight of stairs .

" you owe me hyunjin ! "
he shouted and then
giggles to himself .

" thank god ... can we trust
seungmin ? " you asked as
we stood back up .

" i hope so ... i was never
really that close with those
guys , i just hang out with
them because they want me
to , so " i replied , holding
your hand .

" now i feel honoured to
be close to you HAHA , stay
close with seungmin .. he's
good as far as i know " you
smiled brightly at me .

" i will ... " i grinned back ,
stealing a few glances of
your lips .

i leaned in closer , and you
did to . just as our lips were
about to meet , the school
bell rang .

you pulled back and laughed ,
looking down at the ground .
i chuckled too ," let's go ,
don't wanna be late for class "

" yeah , let's go " you pulled
me with you as we ran off
together .

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