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24 MARCH 2018

this was it , our
first real date .

it was supposed to be
a surprise but you ended
up spoiling it to me the
day before our date .

dumb , but it's okay if
it's you uwu

i didn't dress up much ,
since we only planned to
volunteer at an animal
shelter .

cheap ? i guess , but this
tells me alot about your
personality .

" i visit this place once in
every two weeks and it means
alot to me ... i even adopted
kkami , my dog , from here "
you said , when we were on
our way there .

you showed me pictures of
you and your dog . i could
tell from the look in your
eyes , that kkami was very
precious to you .

once we reached , you briefed
me on what we were supposed
to do . our first task was to simply
take the dogs out on their daily
morning walk .

there was a park nearby the
shelter and we went there .

walking right beside you ,
just seeing you smile at
the puppies made my heart
melt .

we also talked about the
most random things as we
strolled pass families
enjoying themselves
together there .

you told me alot about
your family and i briefed
about mine too .

we stopped for ice cream ,
which was not really good
to have in the morning but ...
who cares ?

you passed me my ice cream
after helping to remove the
wrapper for me .

we were silent throughout
the walk back to the shelter ,
but it wasn't awkward .

we both enjoyed hearing
the sounds of birds chirping
together with the laughter
of children and the puppies
barking .

the rest of the day went
along just fine .

from having to clean up the
animals' cages to giving them
a bath together , it was really
memorable for a first date .

we went back home in a
new set of clothes after getting
soaked when playing with water
together .

i brought you to my all time
favourite cafe in our town ,
where we drank caramel
macchiatos as we listened
to soft songs and took
pictures of each other .

" wow , this ? is your house ?
o-oh yeahhh i just remembered
your mum owns a company ,"
you said after walking me
back home .

" we're not , we're just
comfortable " i replied , chuckling .

" thank you for today ara ,
i hoped you had fun even
though it was a pretty cheap
date " you held both of my
hands .

" thank you too , don't worry
about it . this is more than what
i imagined as a perfect first date "
i looked back into your beautiful
brown eyes as i wrapped my arms
around your neck .

" next time , you plan our
date ... " you leaned in closer
and whispered " hint , i want
it to be at an amusement park "

" i mean , sure ... if i have the
money HAHA "

there came the long awaited
moment . what should i do
before saying goodbye ?

a hug ?

a peck on the cheek ?

or a kiss ?

we remained still for a while
before i hurriedly pecked you
on your cheek .

you smiled , revealing your
dimples and then kissed me
back on the cheek .

i pouted , expecting you to
do more . right after , i
felt your lips brush mine .

it was innocent , and i kissed
back just for a few moments
before we suddenly heard some
squealing .

we pulled away , and we looked
up to see areum giggling at
the both of us from her
bedroom window .

" is that your sister ? "
you laughed , still looking up .

" yeah HAHA "

" so this is goodbye ,
i guess " you pouted and
swung the both of my hands .

" this date went by so fast ,
i'm sad you couldn't stay any
longer . now go back home ,
before your parents worry
about you " i let go of your
hands and unlocked the gates
to my front door .

" bye ~~~ " you walked away
slowly , still facing me .

" don't miss me too much ! "
you shouted as you made
a big heart with the both of
your arms .

" you wish !! " i yelled back
as i waved you goodbye .

not to be dramatic but ,

you are the best blessing that
ever came into my life .

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