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16 MARCH 2018

i started to feel small
pellets of water falling
onto my hands .

it soon started raining
like crazy and we were
both soaking wet .

you were holding onto me
really tight and i started
to ride slower .

i spotted a huge tree near
a convenience store .

" we'll go here ! " i
said , hoping you could
hear me above the noise
of the heavy pour .

i pulled my bike over ,
nearest i could to the tree ,
and hurriedly got off after
you did .

i helped carry your bag
and then you ran your way
across the slippery path ,
your posture weakened by
the weight of your soaked
uniform .

i kept close behind you ,
and then we stood beside
each other under the tree .

i held my bag above our
heads , preventing the
rain from reaching us .

our faces were only
a few inches apart .

you started complaining
" look at how wet my
clothes are ! oh my god
is my hair all fuzzy ? "

you looked exasperated
and i think you didn't even
notice how close we were
standing next to each other

i continued staring at you
smiling , why do you have
to be so cute ?

" what are you looking at "

i ruffled your hair a little
and then i said " you look
cuter with your hair like this "

" shut up " you snapped
and then pushed me hard
on the chest .

i slipped and you tried
to catch me but ,,

you fell with me .

you landed on top of me


your face was priceless

you should hate your ears
for not being able to hide
your feelings lmao

we stayed like that ... for
a moment .

before i started to lean
my face in ... closer to
yours .

i looked into your eyes
before switching to your
lips .

your lips were a pale pink
that reminded me of a rose

the top lip was thinner, but
not too thin, and it had a
natural cupid's bow;

the bottom one was larger
and more plush. i just stared at
them as you started closing
your eyes .

why didn't i notice this the
first time we kissed ?

and everytime another
second passes , i can feel
my heart pounding faster

i got closer , and then you
whispered ," this is not
right , you know i'm with

the next thing i knew ,
my lips landed against
yours .

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