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a/n :
qotd - shld i chg the title
back in to a decent one ?

12 FEBRUARY 2018

" jisung ? can we uh just
finish it somewhere else ? "
i asked jisung , hoping he
would agree .

" why ? i mean this place
is much more comfortable
with the air conditioning "
he replied .

my eyes were still on you
and ryujin , sitting beside
each other really close .

just like how we sat
beside each other in
class that day .

i think jisung realised
that i was staring , so he
turned around and i saw
his mouth form a circle .

" you know what ? if he's
going to do that with ryujin
and make you jealous , i'll
help you make that boy feel
jealous lmao " he said , which
made me chuckle a bit .

" who said i was jealous "

" your face says it all " jisung
said as he grabbed my hand
and pulled me

to sit with him

on the table

right in front of

you and ryujin .

sigh han jisung

i avoided eye contact ,
but i'm pretty sure you
saw me with him .

he was extra funny
and loud today . he joked
around a lot which of course
made me laugh out loud .

people around seldom
shush us but jisung , of
course , continued to
ignore them .

after about ... half an hour ?

i heard you and ryujin
get up from your seats .

and then you just
passed us by and left
the library .

were you jealous ?

lol nah i don't think so

after you left , i
suddenly felt sad ,
but at the same
time relieved .

i didn't even realise
that my eyes were
watering until jisung
mentioned it .

" are you okay ? ara
what are y– omg are you
crying ?? " jisung turned
my head to face him .

he hugged me and patted
my gently on my back
as i rubbed my eyes , trying
to get rid of the tears in my
eyes .

" i really don't know
how much he hurt
you , but do you want
to talk about this ? you
can trust me " he said .

" you don't need t– "

" pretty please " jisung held my
hand and swayed it around ,
with his mouth formed into a
pout .

" i want ara to tell jisung
everything " he said again
with aegyo .

i can't help but remember
that time when you showed
me your aegyo

" fine "

" you tell me your secret ,
and i'll tell you mine " he smiled
as we locked our pinky fingers
together .

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