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26 JANUARY 2018

today ,
i saw the girl sitting behind
you call you by your name

" hyunjin "

you turned around and
looked at her , expecting
her to say something

" just say it " her tablemate told her
" no you say it " she giggled
" i swear to god you say it "

you frowned at them
and then turned back around

do you really dislike girls
that much ?

but why do you treat me
differently ?

that day , even though you said
you were going to return the tag ,
i volunteered to do it for you

i don't even know what got
into me that made me so
kind all of a sudden

but i remember showing the
tag at you from across the classroom ,
and then gesturing at you that i'll
return it for you .

you smiled , and then nodded .

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