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as you talked with the
professor , i recorded the
whole thing on your phone

somehow the way you
talked seemed cute to me

you chuckled alot as you
interviewed the person

why must you frown
alot ? you look pretty

i didn't realise myself
zooming in onto your face

only your face

as soon as you turned to
the camera , i came back
to my senses and accidentally
dropped your phone on my lap

" sorry uh , can we start back
from the top ? i accidentally
clicked the stop button ," i made
an excuse

you gave me the " are you okay "
look and i replied with  a nod

i hurriedly deleted the video
since it was your phone i'm
using , and not mine

we proceeded with the
interview after the professor
agreed to recording again

i hope you won't come
across that video

because i myself didn't
know what came over me
while i was recording it


a/n : fyi , if it is hyunjin's pov ,
the words will be on the right side .

do you prefer this format or do you
just want me to put their names on
top of each chapter ?

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