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30 MARCH 2018

" great idea of yours
to finish this at the last
minute " i rolled my eyes .

" hey it was your fault
for always being busy
playing games after school
this week " minho argued
back .

" shut up , fighting isn't
gonna help us finish this
crap . now hurry , i finished
doing my part " ara passed
me her laptop .

" .... what should i write "
i asked , confused .

" hhhhh give me that "
minho snatched it away
from me .

we were finishing our
team research project ,
which was supposed to be
handed in tonight by 8pm .

" hurry , there's only 10
more minutes !! " ara exclaimed .

" now you write the ending "
minho hurriedly put the laptop
in front of me .

" there.... fore ... we as humans
need ... to ... make an effort ...
in order ... to prevent ... the
extinction of ... squirrels ...
TADAAAA i finished it !! " i
saved the essay to a folder and
immediately emailed it to mrs seo .

" aaaaand SEND ! good job guys ,
we worked hard for this one " i
put up my hand for a high five
from them both , and got ignored .

" you're lucky you have us ,
you would've failed if you
didn't " ara ruffled my head,
chuckling .

i weirdly felt my heart
beat faster at her touch .

but nahhh

i would never .

minho put his arm around
my shoulder ," let's go eat
dinner !! i heard ara's mum
cooked lasagna "

we devoured dinner after
having a long day .

" hey guys , i've moved on
from ryujin " i confessed .

" wow , really ?? " ara
asked surprised .

" yeah ! i just don't feel
the same way towards her
anymore , the feelings are
naturally fading away "
i said before drinking
water .

" so who's the new girl "
minho asked , uninterested .

" bold of you to assume
i'm het " i chuckled .

" w-wait " ara swallowed
her last bit of food ," what ?!
you're saying that you're... "

" i'm bi " i laughed .

i noticed minho choking
lightly on his water .

" are you okay ? " ara
asked , giggling .

" is it that surprising tho ,
it's obvious that i've been
attracted to a few guys at
school "

"no ! you never told me ! "
minho yelled .

" and , why should i tell you ??
i'm afraid it would be awkward
between us if i did tell you " i
mumbled .

" no ! why would you think
that , i'm not homophobic ,
man " minho smiled at me
widely .

" well i'm glad you guys aren't .
i'm just putting it out there tho ,
i don't actually have a crush at
the moment " i admitted to them .

" well you should tell us when
you have one " ara smirked and
nudged me .

i felt it again .

my heart racing .

" i will "

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