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15 FEBRUARY 2018

" so the two of you are
officially a couple now ?? "
minho chuckled .

" well ... it's only temporary "
i said back , before looking
at jisung .

" only for a few weeks "
jisung assured him and then
grabbed my hand and pushed
me gently against the locker .

he suddenly started
caressing my hair .

" what the hell are you- "

" shh hyunjin is watching "
jisung smiled cheekily before
squeezing my cheeks .

" why are you SO CUTE BOO "
he went on and on and on .

minho just stood aside
laughing while the two of
us acted like a couple .

" you're so handsome today ,
well you're always handsome
but you look extra stunning
today " i praised him .

of course i didn't feel
anything , we were just
doing this for fun

" shall we go to class now "
minho said glancing at us .

" lets go " jisung locked his
fingers with mine and i did
the same before turning
around to catch a glimpse
of you .

we made eye contact and
you looked away immediately

jealous much ?

• • •

" here's your lunch "
you handed me a lunchbox
with some food in it .

i was alone at the time ,
waiting for jisung and minho
while doing my homework .

" t-thanks "
i muttered and took the
box away from you .

" where's jisung ? still
in class ? " you asked .

" uh yeah , teacher told him
and minho to stay back for
a while "

it was awkward , but then
you suddenly sat beside me .

" how long have you and
jisung actually been together ? "
you asked with a low voice .

" ... why do you want to know "
i replied , scratching the back
of my neck .

" just that- nothing , just curious "

and then there was , again , an
awkward silence between us

" are you going to eat ? " i broke
the ice before reaching for the
box you gave me .

" yeah , um , no actually . i'm
on a diet for this month haha "
you stood up from the table as
you see jisung and minho
approaching us .

" by the way , i left a little
something for u in the box "
you quickly said before waving
me goodbye to sit together
with the other boys
on the table beside ours .

jisung sat beside me
and minho settled down
opposite us , with their
lunch food .

i opened the lunchbox , it
was homemade food you
brought from home .

' this is my favourite
beef and vegetable
porridge i cooked by
myself for you , hope
you like it :) '

i smiled .

i tried a little bit of
the porridge and it
tasted delicious.

i looked at you from
afar and gave you a
thumbs up .

you beamed back at me
and then we looked away .

after finishing the bowl ,
i was gonna pass the box
back to you , when i noticed
a post-it at the bottom of it .

i stopped dead in my tracks
as i read the note on it .

' did we ever have
something in between
us in the first place ?
tell me we did . give
me sweet lies and keep
your bitter truths '

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