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10 FEBRUARY 2018

" you do know how to edit
videos right ? " i asked you

we were in class alone working
on our project after school , while
the others already went back home

" i think so ," you replied

most parts of the vlog has
my face in it , i don't really
feel comfortable with you
editing since i'm lowkey
insecure of my looks

while you were editing
and i was finishing the write
up , i stole glances to see
if you were editing it right .

you caught me a few times
and i said " just checking
if you're doing it correctly haha "

you chuckled and then
replied " don't worry ara ,
you look pretty in the video "

my heartbeat stopped
for a second . you did not
just say that .

" i'm sorry what ? i think
i heard you wrong ," i leaned
towards you , wanting to hear
you clearly .

" i said , you look pretty in
the video ," you repeated ,
with a small smile on your
face .

our faces were inches
apart and i already felt
my cheeks heating up

why hwang hyunjin

you looked into my eyes
then leaned in closer .

your hand reached for
the back of my hair
and you suddenly pulled
me closer towards you

" ... you like me
don't you ? kwon
ara ? " you asked softly.

" who said i– "

" guess what ? i think
i think i like you too "

next thing i knew , i felt
your soft lips against mine

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