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16 MARCH 2018

at first it was just
a peck , and i didn't
know how to react .

but then ,

" ... stop stop " you
said after pulling away .

i could feel my cheeks
blushing .

did he not like the kiss ?

do i have bad breath ?

are my lips rough ?

" ....w-what ... why ? "
i asked , without looking
at you .

" are we really gonna ...
do it in this position ? " you
mumbled shyly .

" oh ! ohmygod sorry i- "
i got off your body and
then you finally stood up .

" ...so ...... what n- "
i said awkwardly looking
down at my shoes before
you suddenly pull me in
again for another kiss .

it felt ......


how i would normally feel
when i smash my keyboard

your lips brush mine and
the world fell away.

it was slow and soft ,
comforting in ways
that words would never be.

your hand rested below my ear,
your thumb caressing my cheek
as our breaths mingled.

without realising i ran my
fingers down your spine,
and unexpectedly , your hand
drifted to my hip.

it settled there and then you
pulled me closer , until there
was no space left between us

and i could feel the beating
of your heart against my chest.

i inhaled sharply.

i was against your warm chest,
chiseled to perfection.

must you be so perfect?

i splayed my hand against it,
intending to push you away,
but instead i left it there.

your breathing quickened
and so did mine .

when we broke apart for air,
i rested my forehead against
yours and gathered some
much needed oxygen.

your smirk told me everything
and i smiled back, sinking into
your hold. you grabbed my hands
and then our fingers interlocked
tightly .

after a few moments , i pulled
away and then we ran to the
nearby convenience store
under the heavy rain .

we didn't care anymore ,
about our wet clothes and bags ,
what mattered at the moment
was that we had each other .

" let's have some hot
ramen ? " you brought me
to the instant food isle and
showed me a cup noodle .

the smile on your face was
so pure , just like how a child
would smile when asking
his or her mum for candy .

" why not ? " i beamed back
looking into his beautiful eyes .

you picked only one cup and
i asked ," why are you taking
only one ? "

" sharing is caring " you replied .

i gave him the are you
for real face .

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