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17 MARCH 2017

i woke up extra early that morning
just to make sure i look my best
on our second day :D

i curled my hair alil bit , put on
some perfume and lip tint .

knock knock

" come in "

the door opened to reveal
areum , my sister .

" oh ? why are you up
so early ? it's just 6am "
she entered my room after
opening the door widely .

" just getting ready for school ~ "

" you never get up this early
to get all pretty tho ... oh ~
do you have a boyfriend ? "
she began teasing me .

" nO what are you saYING ! now
go back to sleep "

" but i don't want to , let's have
breakfast together ! food should
be ready by now "

i got up from my dressing table
after finishing with my hair ,
grabbed my backpack and
proceeded to pushing her to the
dining room .

" i baked some pancakes !! two
for both of you " mum placed
the pancakes on each of
our plates .

" enjoy your food you two ! have fun
at school ara , and behave at home
areum , i'll be leaving for work
now ! i love you " she grabbed her
handbag and walked towards
areum and i .

she hugged both of us , and
kissed us on the forehead .

after i finished my breakfast ,
i left her alone with our nanny
and rushed to the nearby
neighbourhood park where i
told you to pick me up .

i waited alone for a while ,
listening to my morning
playlist as i stroll down by
the road .

suddenly i heard a motor
bike approaching .

i turned around and saw you
in a helmet and your school
uniform .

" i thought you said you had
a chauffeur ?? " i chuckled .

" you actually fell for that ?
HAHA my family could never "
you replied , giggling .

i tightened my bag to make
sure it doesn't fall off before
getting a few steps closer to
his bike .

" hop on , princess "

" don't call me that again
it's so cringeworthy "

" okay ..... boo ? "

i chuckled at the thought
of you calling me that .

i think i could never
get used to you calling me
with all these pet names .

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