Chapter 1

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Ever since I was young, I was homeschooled and let me just be honest, it was the best thing ever. No need to worry about what clothes to wear, no need to wake up extra early to get your make up done or wash your was just ideal and relaxing. But since I was soon going to turn 16, my parents decided that it was time for me to move on and to attend real school filled with sweaty stinky boys and bossy judgmental girls (oh the joy -.-).

Chapter 1

I walked into school and breathed in the smell of stuffiness and sweat..lovely. I looked around and all I could see was a blur of people walking around and was able to catch a few random parts of conversations as students walked past me. A few girls walked past me eyeing me up and down making my stomach do some triple summersaults. This was just school and no friends.

I have never been a confident girl to be honest. The only thing I really liked about myself was my bright blue eyes which I often got complimented on. Other than that, I was just a horrible mess especially my wide hips which I could never seem to accept as part of me. Here, stepping into this new school girls passed by, their beautiful long hair trailing behind them or their amazing long legs carrying them as if they were models. I was not looking forward to my first day.

My first lesson was biology and of course, I was late already. The map the head teacher of school has shoved into my hands looked Chinese and I could not find the class. I fast walked quickly to where I thought the class would be, trying as hard as I could not to look like a total dork. I pushed forward until suddenly I ran into something solid but yet warm. Ignoring all my books that were now sprawled across the hall, I angrily looked up to find myself staring at the most gorgeous eyes I had ever seen. His eyes were the colour of crystal clear water and the blond eyelashes around them slowly lifted as he looked at me.

Our eyes locked as I felt the warm blood rushing to my face.

'Oh I'm so sorry, are you ok?' He said, immediately bending over to pick up my books.

Shit did I still have a voice? My heart was pounding in my chest as I let out a little squeak of 'Yeah, I'm good'

My books all in his hands he looked at me again as if he was studying my face. Did I have something on my face? I was sure I had looked in the mirror before leaving home and my face seemed clean then. He stuck out his hand awkwardly and introduced himself for the first time.

'Hey I'm Luke...uh Hemmings. You must be new here since I've never seen you before'

His blue eyes looked deep into mine and all I could see was his beautifully carved lips with a single lip ring siting there neatly.

'Uhh hi yes I'm new heh' I heard myself saying. 'My name is Rebecca but people call me Reb for short'

'Reb?' He repeated in his deep, cool voice. 'I dunno I think I'm going to have to come up with a new nickname for you...uh...Rebby. That's cute right?'

I had just met this boy minutes ago if not seconds and he was already giving me a nickname. What was it with this boy? No one had ever made me feel this way, especially in such a short time. My knees felt like jelly as I finally focused and said I needed to get to class. Biology more like BYEology because I needed to get to know this boy more. Ugh what was happening to me?

'You take Biology? Ohh cool yeah me too. I can show you the way and you can meet all of my friends since you're new here' He said, making my heart flutter.

Meet people? I don't know how I felt about that.

'Uhh sure' I said totally opposing my thought.'

He smiled revealing the most attractive dimple I had ever seen in all my days living on this earth. Come on Reb, I told myself, you don't even know this boy, he might be a total dickhead for all you know. That didn't stop me from smiling back and following him to class though.

He lead the way, only to leave a trail of the best smelling cologne behind him. I hope I didn't look too weird sniffing the air after him. Finally, we arrived at the Biology lab just in time for my stomach to have another attack of the summersaults. Luke confidently knocked on the door and let himself in, letting me creep in behind him. The woman at the front desk peered at us, together with fifteen other students sitting at the benches.

'And why must you be late again Mr. Hemmings?' She asked, eyebrows raised looking at Luke. Then she looked at me, as if trying to reach deep into my soul. I looked away, unable to take the intensity of her stare. 'For heavens sake, love, don't tell me you've influenced a new student to start coming late to class, Luke?'

He turned around and looked at me giving me a half smile that basically melted my heart.

'Uh no Ms.' Luke said smoothly, 'We were just at the head teachers room sorting out Reb's papers.'

'That's fine Luke' Ms. Idunnohernamebutherstarewasannoyingme said. 'Please, have a seat I was just about to start attendance.'

Luke looked at me as if to say sorry and quickly shoved along to find a seat near his friends, leaving me alone standing in the middle of the class. I quickly slid into the nearest seat, not missing the way all the girls seemed to look at Luke as if he was a god. (Let's just be real for a second, he looked like a god.) What did I expect though? I wasn't special, I was just like everyone else.

'Rebecca..? Rebecca Moonstone? Rebecca..?' I vaguely heard, coming out of my thoughts just to find everyone staring at me.

'Uhh here' I croaked, feeling my cheeks burn. The teacher peered at me over her round glasses then looked back at her paper and made a small check near my name.

'Lucas...Hemmings. Of course he is here, however late as always' She chuckled to herself as all the girls turned to smile at Luke.

Of course I did it too, already missing his perfect face. I turned back only to find him looking at heart skipped a beat. He was looking at me..oh god what do I do now? I said to myself. Act cool, I thought as I turned around in my desk just to knock over my pencil box and spill all the contents out. I heard him snort with laughter as all the girls turned to face me, as if jealous that Luke had given me a fraction of his attention. I smiled to myself as the rest of the class dragged on, resisting the temptation to look back at the perfect boy whose stare, I was sure, was digging into my back.

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