Chapter 23

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We awkwardly and finally pulled back, as he stared into my eyes. A bubble of laughter escaped my lips.

'What's wrong?' Luke asked, puzzled.

'Uh...that was...nice.' I said, lamely looking at the grass.

'It was.' Luke agreed, then turned around to switch off the hose.

'Let's go inside, shall we?' He asked, gesturing for me to lead the way.

' want me to uhm...stay?' I asked, stunned. 'Like, the whole night?'

'Is that a problem?' He asked, looking puzzled. 'You've slept here before....but you don't remember, of course, my apologies.' He smiled.

What was I going to do? I wanted to stay but my parents didn't know where I was and I NEVER SLEPT OVER AT A GUYS HOUSE BEFORE. Well, technically I did...technically.

Luke or parents?

'Yeah, it's no problem I'll stay.' I smiled, trying to act like it was no big deal.

'Perfect.' He whispered, looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

I quickly turned away, not wanting him to see how red my cheeks had gotten, just in time for the other boys to walk in the front door.

'LUCAS WE ARE HOME.' One of them shouted. Then spotting me he said. 'Oh Reb's here woohoo....why are you wet?'

'Ooooohh Luke made Reb wet.' Giggled the green- haired one. Very mature.

I awkwardly just stood there, waiting for Luke to take the lead.

'Uhm guys...have a seat on the sofa will you? We need to talk.' Luke said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the TV area.

'Wats up?' Bandana boy said, smiling.

'Reb? You should say this.'

Oh god.

'Well, boys, basically a few months ago I was in a very very bad accident and I kind of bashed my head quite hard, apparently. So like I don't remember anything, just a few distant memories here and there.

'And...?' One of them asked.

'I don't remember any of you.' I said, sheepishly. 'But Luke's sort of made the introductions, kind of.

'Well.' One of them said, standing up. 'I'm Ashton Irwin, the drummer, basically the only one who really matters in this band. Uhm I'm also an astronaut and I was your favorite member from this band before you lost your...memories.' He giggled.

Not even I believed that.

'Hahha, hi Ashton.' I said, shaking his oddly large hands.

The green haired one jumped in. 'Don't listen to Ash, he thinks he's funny, but he actually isn't.' He giggled. 'Uh...I'm Michael and I feel really weird introducing myself to you haha. I play guitar and I like food and hair dye.' He finished, rubbing his hand through his green hair.

'And that leaves me. Hiiiiiiii I'm Calum. I play the coolest instrument in the whole band...the bass. Ooooooooooh.'

'C'mon Calum, something about yourself.' Laughed Ashton.

'Oh... I don't know... I can make spaghetti! Does that count? Yes it does. I can make spaghetti.' He added, shaking my hand.

'Wait a moment.' Ash stood up and came closer to me. 'Are clothes?' He asked, studying what I was wearing.

Panicked, I looked over to Luke.

'Uh...yeah. I'm sorry man she needed a small size.'

'Uh it's ok.' Ash giggled. 'But stop taking my undies Luke, seriously.'

Luke looked away, obviously embarrassed, making me feel even more attracted to him.

Recovering, he turned around and stood up. 'Boys, I think Reb and I are going to bed. Good night.'

I felt so awkward walking away from these boys. I felt as if I was invading their property. But I had been here before, I constantly reminded myself. I just couldn't remember it.

Back in Luke's room, I tried not to drool and he peeled off his shirt from his still wet body.

Holy cow.

Bodies like that should not be allowed to be exposed in front of women like that unless she had permission to do things with it.

'Luke.' I said, looking down at my soaking clothes. 'I think I need more clothes.'

'Uhm...sleep in your bra and pants?' He asked, blushing. 'It'll just be like you're wearing a bikini.' He smiled, hopeful.

Tempting, but no.

'Please Luke, just an old t-shirt will do.'

Giving in, he searched through his drawer, giving me minor chest pains by how good he actually looked. Then, he threw me a black and grey striped cosy jumper.

I hopped into the bathroom and peeled off Ashton's clothes, dumping them into the bath, my eyes heavy with exhaustion. Then, I dried my body with a towel and put on Luke's jumper, big enough to come down to my thighs. I pulled up the sleeves which came well beyond my hands and slowly dried my terrible hair with a towel.

Walking back into the room, I saw Luke, looking like an angel, lying down on his white bed. Holy cheese. He met my eyes and smiled. 'You look cute in over sized tops.' He laughed. Then, he patted the empty space next to him.

'Luke I'm not going to sleep with you.' I said, firmly. 'I'm not ready.' I whispered, suddenly self-conscious.

'What was that?' He asked, standing up.

Holy crap. Abs. Legs. Face. Hair. Everything.

'Uhh...remember, Luke, that for me it's as if I've only just met you. Give me time to adjust.'

And with that, he handed me a mattress and a pillow which I placed besides him. I quickly sent my mum a text message telling her I was alright and settled down onto my hard mattress.

'Good night, Rebby.' Luke said, his eyes already closing. 'You may need time, but in my mind it's clear. I love you.' He whispered.

I couldn't help smiling as I reached over to stroke his cheek. Then, I slowly let go, and sank back onto my mattress.

'Good night, Lukey.'

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