Chapter 17

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Memory loss? That sounded pretty serious. Although I wasn't too upset...I couldn't think of anyone I loved who was worth missing. But then again I probably couldn't remember anyone because of the memory loss thing...

I stopped thinking. My head just ached so badly.

'Memory loss?' I repeated, staring at "dad". His face looked pained and strangely green.

'Uh...yeah.' The doctor said, gently. 'But don't worry. Many times, memories do come back. Until then I'm sure your parents will be glad to teach you everything you want to know again.' He smiled. Go home with some strangers? I didn't think so...but then again they were my parents...

'Uh, doc?' I asked. 'How's the woman who was in the crash with me? Is she ok?'

'You mean your mum?' He asked, patiently.

Well I guess you could say that, even though I couldn't remember her at all. Then a strange memory hit me.

'Reb!' This woman called, smiling down at 5-year old me, her blond hair flying around her in the wind. 'Im coming to catch you!'

Little me laughed and ran away as fast as she could, feet padding in the moist green grass. Who was that woman?

'Yes she's fine.' The doctor said, snapping me out of my flashback. 'She wasn't injured like you were. She'll be up and about in a few hours. You on the other hand will need to stay here for a while for a few more tests.' He winked and me, then left the room, leaving me with "dad".

'So...' I began awkwardly. ' there anyone I know who's really close to me and is worth remembering?'

'Well, honey.' Again with the honey thing. 'A few months ago we moved here, to Melbourne, so that you can peruse your singing career. In Sydney, you didn't exactly have many friends. Only one actually. Sophie. Sweet girl she was. Maybe later we could ring her and deliver the bad news. Well good I guess, considering you're alive...'

Wow I had one friend back in Sydney. One.

'Roxy is your current best friend. She's already visited yesterday, but you were still passed out. I'll ring her to tell her that she can come visit you. Oh god she's going to be devastated...' He trailed off, walking out of the room, phone in hand.

Suddenly, my mind felt overused and darkness swam in front of my vision.

I dreamt about a blond boy. A beautiful blond boy. I couldn't really see him properly in my dream, but I could tell that he had broad shoulders. He was also very tall. One thing I could see clearly. His eyes. His beautiful, blue, crystal clear eyes which were staring at me, as if in love. Reb, he was saying...Reb? He shouted again.

'Reb?!' I woke up suddenly, sweating in my hospital robe. A girl was staring at me with bright green eyes. She also had awesome red hair.

'Uh...hi.' I murmured still dizzy from my amazing dream. Why did she have to drag me away from it?

'It's me! Roxy? Rebby come on, you know me!'

Panicked I looked over to the doctor.

Smiling as if to apologise, he turned to face the girl. 'I told you, dear. She's suffering from memory loss. She doesn't remember you. It's not her fault. Just introduce yourself, make friends all over again.' He smiled encouragingly. All I wanted to do was get back to my blond boy from my dream.

'Owkay.' She pouted, turning to face me. 'Hi, I'm Roxy, I'm like totally punk rock and I don't give a shit about people who judge me or can't accept me for who I am.' She smiled, showing off a perfect set of teeth. I smiled back.

She seemed pretty cool.

'Hi..'I croaked. 'I'm Rebecca....'

'I know who you are, silly.' She interrupted with a laugh. 'You're the one with memory loss not me hahaha.' She seemed really sweet, but she was giving me a slight headache.

'Well, nice to meet you...Roxy?' I tried my best to smile. My face just felt really tight.

She looked upset, as if sad that I couldn't remember her. I tried, I really did. But my mind just felt like it had turned to marshmallow and all I could see was blackness.

'I-I'm sorry I can't remember you.' I stammered, looking at the girl. 'You seem really sweet though.' I said, softly.

'Awh it's ok Reb. I know it's not your fault. Hey, I'm just glad you're alive.' And with that she bent down to give me a big hug, shoving red hair up my nose. Laughing, I sneezed, then regretted it as my head started pounding again. We smiled at each other, and a familiar warmth spread through me. Maybe I had known this girl before.

And at that moment I knew, I was going to be alright.

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