Chapter 45

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'5 years!' I exclaimed, making Luke jump a little. 'Five damn years it's been since I've last thrown up.' I moaned, rubbing my soar throat.

A few hours had past since we had gone completely crazy, and we had settled down a little and decided to get a hold on our day.

'I know.' Grumbled Luke, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me. 'You haven't just said that a million times.' He laughed softly, kissing my cheek.

I booped his nose.


We were in the upstairs bathroom, having decided to take a bath. The few hours before had been quite uneventful- mostly me sitting on the sofa with a fan on my face and Luke being the good boyfriend and cleaning up the mess.

I still owed him for that.

'When was the last time you had a bubble bath?' Luke asked, opening random cabinets and trying to find the soap.

I ducked under his arm and searched the bottom shelf, whilst he sifted through the top one.

'I don't know.' I laughed, turning over a curious looking bottle to read the back. 'When I was like six?'

'Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize Ms Reb here was too cool for baths.' He teased, pinching my waist and making me giggle.

'I am.' I agreed, struggling to pinch his waist back. His strong arms blocked me though, as if with no effort at all. 'It's different when you're in there too.'

He turned around suddenly, eyeing the bath curiously.

'Are we...' He trailed off, studying it carefully. I faced him, cocking one eye brow up with curiosity.

'Are we what?'

'Are we actually going to fit?' He asked, a puzzled look on his face, as if he was genuinely worried about this. 'Your bath is kinda...small.'

'My bath's not small!' I burst out, nearly dropping the bottle in my hand. 'It's normal sized.'

'Normal sized?'

'Aren't baths all the same size?' I asked, clearly showing that I had never thought about this before. I just kind of...assumed.

'I mean...I guess...' He trailed off, scratching his nose with the back of his nails- a habit he had.

'I've read this thing in books before ok it's meant to work and be super romantic.' I laughed, finally finding the right bottle. I opened it and sniffed inside, making sure that it seemed ok since it looked quite old.

'Just saying, I might end up squashed to the side with my knees shoved up my mouth.'


'Too much, Reb!' Luke said, pulling the bottle upwards so that the clear liquid would stop flowing.

I looked at him with a 'wtf' face.

'It's not too much, Luke. There is no too much. This is a bubble bath.' I explained, saying each word slowly.

'Ok whatever.' He muttered, sitting down on the floor with his legs crossed.

I switched on the water and allowed it to flow downwards, making the bubbles grow more and more by time.

'See.' I said, spreading my arms to show just the right amount of bubbles layered on top of the water. 'Just right.'

'That better not get into my eyes.' Luke laughed, kicking his shoes off.

It was weird how quickly Luke was able to change his mood. First, he was super enthusiastic and willing to take a bath- it was even his idea. But now, he didn't look as excited as I thought he would've.

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