Chapter 7

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I had decided.

I had a right to know what was going on with Luke, right? I deserved to know because not only was my heart being shattered into a million pieces every time Luke's gaze slid right past me, but because I was super worried that something was terribly wrong, and that that thing had to do with me.

I mean, I didn't remember doing anything wrong or offensive, but you never know. And I would hate to be the one causing Luke all this worry and stress.

So that Monday morning I decided it was time to get some answers. Luke's familiar frame appeared at the school's front door, and I calmly waited in my position for him to come to me. Something was different about Luke this morning. He looked more handsome, hotter even. (And I thought he couldn't get any more beautiful). Then I noticed the obvious change.

Woah. New hairstyle.

Luke had changed his hair. Suddenly. Without telling anyone. Just showed up at school one morning looking like an angel just shat him out of their ass and expected all of us with ovaries to keep calm? Yeah, right.

After I practically had a little internal breakdown over the sex god's new hairstyle, I pulled myself back to reality and focused. Answers. That's what I needed.

'Luke!' I called out, marching over to him and looking him straight in the eye.

Holy cow he's gorgeous.

Focus, Reb.

'Oh hey babe' He said, eyes searching, looking for something to settle on other than me'

What was going on, like seriously?

'I need to talk to you Luke' I said softly, grabbing hold of his shirt and dragging him into a corner where we could talk in private.

Our bodies so close to each other made it hard for me to focus, but I pulled through, deciding that whatever was bothering Luke so much was more important than my cravings.

'Luke. I know something's wrong. I knew the minute you walked into school that week after you were away. And don't give me that "I was sick" bullshit.'

Why the hell did tears start welling up in my eyes? I didn't even know but whatever.

'Luke' I said practically whispering, 'You know you can trust me with whatever's on your mind. I'm here for you no matter what, you know that. The moment we crashed into each other that first day and looked into each other's eyes, I knew it was right, I knew it was meant to be'

Tears were rolling down my cheeks now, but I continued, slightly flushed with embarrassment.

'I know you feel the same way about me, but if you can't trust me with whatever's bothering you so much that you can't even stand to look at me anymore, than I don't know if what we have is actually real.'

I sobbed, as Luke looked right into my eyes with his intense blue, beautiful eyes. The longest time he'd looked at me for weeks.

'Did I do something, Lukey?' I whispered, looking up at him. 'Are you upset because of me? Speak to me babe I need to know. Seeing you so uncomfortable, just knowing that something's wrong breaks my heart, Luke, and I ache to see your beautiful smile again' I finished, hoping that he'd open up to me, finally, after so many weeks.

Silence followed as we stared into each other's eyes. He was thinking. Then, slowly, he lifted his hand and softly brushed the tears away from my cheeks.

'Did anyone ever tell you you look beautiful when you cry?' He whispered, his face so close I could

feel his warm breath on my face.

Nervously, I laughed, not sure if he really meant it or if he was avoiding the question. 'I should cry more often then' I said, studying his beautiful face.

'I'd agree with that' Luke began, his gentle fingers stroking my cheek, 'But there's one problem. The ache my heart feels from seeing you upset overwhelms any other emotion in my whole body, and even seeing you looking beautiful is not worth your pain. It's ok though' He added, smiling for the first time in weeks, 'You look beautiful every day, Rebby' He said as he bent down to kiss me on the cheek. Then, laughing, he licked his lips. 'Your tears are salty, Reb' He grinned.

He was breathtaking.

Then, his smile fading, he looked right into my eyes. 'Something has happened, Reb, in these past couple of weeks. Something big. I does not concern you babe, of course not, but it's quite a big deal. I've decided that I'm going to tell you my big secret because you need to know. I care for you so much, knowing that you're not aware of this big thing in my life is not fair on you since you're a big part of my life too now.'

I held my breath, nervous. What could this "big secret" be?

'You're going to seriously hate me for this but I honestly cannot tell you about this here, at school.' He added, looking down at the floor.

I could tell how big whatever he was talking about was for him, and how hard he was finding it to cope with it. Sure my curiosity was reaching levels it had never reached before, but calmly I just said what I think needed to be said:

'It's ok Lukey' I smiled up at him. 'You take all the time you need. Thank you for trusting me.' I gave him a warm bear hug as more tears sprang out. I'm an emotional person kay? I was just glad everything seemed to be relatively ok and that I was finally getting to know the truth.

We separated into our own classrooms, me being totally absent-minded as I replayed every single thing Luke had said, in my head. How could I be so selfish? I was being happy that Luke actually still liked me when in fact I should've been drop dead worried, which I was. I don't what I'd do if something awfully serious had happened to my Lukey.

Right before break, I discovered a little note hanging inside my locker. Opening it, I immediately recognised Luke's handwriting.

Hey Rebby,

Thank you for always being there for me, I know that I've been a bit of a dickhead these past couple of weeks, keeping secrets from you and being so distant. I'm so sorry, the last thing I ever wanted to do was make you upset. Anyway, I've decided that it's time for you to know what's going on. Meet me in the garden behind my flat today at 6pm and I'll tell you everything. Clear your mind and be prepared for anything.

Constantly thinking about you, beautiful.

The one and only,

Luke <3

Heart racing, I looked across the hallway, to see Luke gazing at me, probably there the whole time, watching me read his letter. He smiled as he saw me look at him, then casually turned around and walked away.

Well, I thought to myself, smiling, see you at 6 then.

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