Chapter 9

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I woke up with the sun shining down on my face, my hair tossed across it by the wind and a large, muscular arm over my shoulder giving me the feeling of protection and security.

I checked my phone. 5.30 am in the morning. Shit- school. But then I remembered it was a Saturday, phew. I looked down at my phone again.

Mum: 20 missed calls

Home: 35 missed calls.


'Good morning, babe. Sleep well?' Luke asked, sitting up to stretch. DAMN his morning voice was sexy. 'Well of course, Lukey you were right here besides me, how could I not? Hahaa' I giggled, momentarily forgetting about my parents.

'How do you feel about..uh...last night?' I asked, careful not to bring up Karl's name.

'You know what? I'm ok. I grieved about it for around four whole weeks, and to be honest, I don't think the hole in my heart or the guilty feeling is ever going to go away, but life moves on I guess.' He smiled. How I missed that beautiful smile of his. And that dimple, oh wow.

'You want to come in for breakfast?' Luke asked, standing up and brushing grass off his clothes. 'I think I make a pretty good breakfast' he added with a cheeky smile and a wink.

I laughed, enjoying this Luke who I had missed for so long. 'Mr. Awesome cook I have to pass, sorry. My parents already have no idea where I am and I gotta get home to finish off some homework. Text me, babe.' I added, attempting to copy Luke's wink.

'Well ok then...but don't blame me when your stomach is filled with plain old cereal instead of delicious Hemmo Pancakes haha' he added, tickling me, until I couldn't breathe.

Then he hugged me tight and whispered

'Thank you for everything, gorgeous. You're the best girlfriend a guy could ever dream of. I love you.' And with that he kissed me of the forehead and waved me good bye.

Woah what a night.

Walking back home felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Luke was ok, our relationship was ok and life was just going perfect for once in my life.

I rang my door bell just to be greeted by a worried mother.

'Oh darling! Oh honey come in, come in, I've been worried sick! Where have you been? Have you been drinking or partying all night? And where was your phone? Do you know how many times your father and I have been trying to get hold of you? You weren't with a boy were you? Oh honey! Tell me you didn't have sex! If you had sex this early, you will get pregnant and die! Oh gosh I need a glass of water..'

That was my mother for you.

' mum I actually spent the night at Sophie's. I went over to do some work and it kind of got late, so I decided to spend the night. I hope you didn't worry too much.' SAVED IT.

Just then, my dad walked into the room, looking like he had just come out of a fight with a raccoon. Obviously he had just woken up.

'Darling we don't mind.' He added in a deep voice, no where as sexy as Luke's morning voice. 'Just letting us know would save the heart attacks' He smiled and bent over to kiss my cheek. I was such a daddy's girl.

Just then the phone rang. It couldn't be Luke already could it? I couldn't help hoping as I picked up the telephone and held it to my ear.

'Good morning!' A shrill voice sounded at the end of the line. This was definitely not Luke.

'Uh...hi, morning' I added, immediately losing interest.

'This is Shelly from Golden Records in Melbourne. I'd like to speak to...uh Rebecca...Moonstone please?'

'That would be me' I added, observing the curious stares my parents were giving me. Now I was interested.

'Over here at Golden Records we have received a letter from you, applying for a record deal with our studio. We have listened to your songs and are definitely interested in making music with you.'

What was this crazy woman talking about? A record deal? What...

Then I remembered.

Long before I had met Luke I had applied to many different record labels, desperate to do the one thing I loved- singing and making music. I had recorded myself singing covers and added a CD to each application, hoping that one of them would get back to me but none of them did.

Until today.

'Uh...I definitely need time to think about this...' I said, shaken up. This received stares from my parents giving me the THISISALLYOUVEEVERWANTED stare.

'Oh for sure, yes, yes.' Shelly added, still in that chirpy tone I was getting sick of. 'You have 3 days to make a decision. We're a very busy company Ms. We'll need your decision ASAP. Have a good day now! Byeee.' And with that, she hung up.

Stunned I looked up to see my parents smiling up at me. Then all of a sudden they came running into me, engulfing me with hugs and kisses.

'Oh honey!' My mum said, putting a lose strand of hair behind my ears. 'I'm so proud of you. I cannot believe this! All you've ever wanted has come true! We need to get packing, and David, dear, start looking for an apartment in Melbourne, we need to find one soon. I can't believe your dream is coming true, Reb I'm so happy for you! Ring up that lovely women, will you? Tell her that you've made your obvious decision. We're going to Melbourne woo!'

Then my mum started dancing across our living room like a crazy woman.

Then my dad joined in.

Not a pretty sight, trust me.

I needed to think. This had all come so suddenly. My dream had always been to become a singer, and it still was, and I couldn't believe the opportunity that had just dropped outside my door. Golden Records? They were like the biggest label in the world. This was perfect for me. There was only one problem though.


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