Chapter 22

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'Seriously?' Luke exclaimed, his face lighting up with excitement.

'Sure.' I giggled. 'I mean why not? The way you described our connection really made me believe that maybe, just maybe, we were meant to be.' I smiled, staring at the floor, embarrassed.

'Reb.' He said, putting his fingers under my chin, lifting up my head so I could meet his gaze. 'I know we were meant to be.'

The whole time, my heart was pounding in my chest. I mean, what was I thinking? I was out here with this boy, who I've never met before. Except according to him we had. But I felt it. I knew that it was right. You never really know the feeling of a true connection or true love until you meet the right person. And Luke was it.

Suddenly he looked down at himself and smiled. 'Willing to ditch this wedding with me?' He asked, a cheeky look in his eyes. 'We need to wash off anyways.'

Was I willing? Heck yes. Was my mum going to let me go? I doubted it. Guess I just had to sneak out.

'How far is your apartment from here?' I asked.

'Uh...just a few roads...about five, ten minutes.'

'Well then, what are we waiting for?' I smiled grabbing his hand. I couldn't help noticing that they fit into each other's perfectly, almost as if they were made for each other, even though mine was so much smaller than his.

He looked down at out joined hands and smiled his gorgeous smile which sent shivers around my body.

'You have no idea how unbelievable this is for me.' He said, looking once more at out entwined fingers. 'I thought you were gone forever...' He trailed off staring into nothing.

We silently walked back into the reception hall where everyone was busy chatting and laughing. Careful to avoid my parents (which was kind of hard considering that Luke was basically a human giraffe wearing a tux), we eventually made it to the lobby.

'Do you need to tell the other boys where we're going?' I asked, concerned that they'd be worried.

'Like they care.' He smiled. 'They love me though.' He winked at me, as we stepped out into the cold, starry night.

I shivered, the cold breeze sending goosebumps all over my body.

'I see that you're cold.' Luke observed. 'I'd give you my blazer, but I'm kind of cold too.' He looked at me sideways, smiling like a dork.

'Hey that's not how you treat a lady.' I teased, slapping him lightly on the shoulder sending him into a laughing fit.

I stood besides him, amused at how beautiful a single human being could look whilst laughing like a crazy idiot.

Recovering, he took some deep breaths, tears rolling down his cheeks from laughter. 'No but seriously, do you want my blazer?' He asked, switching to smooth Luke mode.

'Nahh, I'm good. But thank you, my somewhat weird companion.' I said, in a posh voice.

'Suit yourself.' He shrugged.

We walked in silence for a few moments, as I sent my mum a quick text message telling her that I was ok. She replied with two words:



Forgetting that Luke was besides me, I laughed out loud at my mum's very parent-like text.

'What's so funny?' Luke asked looking down at my phone.

He couldn't see the text. How awkward would that be?

I quickly put my phone behind my back.

'Uh...nothing.' I said, my smile giving it away.

Luke tried to get my phone from me but I fought back, not willing to let him see the text.

'Show meee.' He pouted, looking like an adorable puppy.

'No.' I answered, shortly, then ran ahead, trying not to trip in my heels.

'No wait...come back.' Luke shouted, sprinting after me. He caught up and laced his arms around my tummy, suddenly, tickling me until I couldn't breathe.

' stop...Luke...stop.' I gasped, trying to breathe.

'Sorry,' he smiled sheepishly, my phone forgotten. 'Couldn't resist.'

We walked the rest of the way hand in hand, making my whole right arm tingle.

We finally arrived at the apartment, parts of it strangely familiar, others completely foreign. Luke showed me to his clean, fresh room where he gave me a new set of clothes to wear.

'These are the smallest things we have.' He laughed. 'I think they're Ashton's. He won't mind though.' He assured me. 'I hope.' He added, so quiet that I could barely hear it.

I changed into the tank top ish thing he gave me that fit me like a dress, and put on the massive black sweat pants.

I walked out of the bathroom and into Luke's room, finding him staring at me. 'Awhhhh Rebby, you look soo cute.' He pouted. Rebby? A cute nickname...AAH. It was incredible how comfortable I felt around Luke, considering the short amount of time I had known him; or remembered him.

He stuffed my dress in the washing machine together with his suit and met me out in their garden. Food was still stuck in our hair and all over our bodies.

The first thing I saw, in his garden, was this massive, beautiful tree. He sadly looked between me and the tree.

'You really don't remember.' He told himself. Feeling like I needed to answer, I shook my head. 'We shared so many memories sitting down under that tree...but never mind.' He smiled. 'We're here now to create some new ones.'

Then, I watched as he went behind the little shed and came out with something long and thin in his hands. A hose.

'Oh no Luke are you serious? This is how we're going to clean off? It's freezing!' I laughed, amazed by his creativity.

'Pffffftttt' he laughed. Then, suddenly the hose turned on spraying me all over. 'Luke!' I exclaimed, my hair dripping wet. I looked as he just laughed.

I ran towards him and grabbed the hose from his hands.

'It's your turn now, Lukey.' I said, ironically sweetly.

'No no no no no no no no' he said, running towards me. 'Oh Jesus.' He cursed as the water burst from the hose and onto him. I laughed as we each took it in turns to wet each other, leaving bits of food all over the grass, ready to be decomposed.

Then, Luke had a brilliant idea.

'I know what we could do,' he said, winking at me.

He picked up two heavy stones, making his muscles tense magnificently, and put them near each other. Then, he attempted to put the hose in between them.

'Uh...Luke?' I asked, giggling. 'What are you trying to do?'

'Now you'll see Rebby.' He answered.

After around five minutes, he finally achieved what he was trying to do. The hose stayed upright, sending water flying everywhere just as if it was rain.

Then, he came towards me and grabbed both my hands. His quiff had sunk into a fringe because of the water, making him look different- good different.

'And to end this perfect evening.' He said, staring into my eyes, making my heart flutter. 'A little rain to create the perfect romantic movie scene.' He laughed as he looked up, trying to catch some water in his mouth. I did the same, noticing how the sky was beautifully dotted with stars.

Then, he passionately looked at me again, and softly brushed some wet hair out of my face. And there, in Luke Hemmings' garden, at two in the morning, under the rain created by a hose, he learned in to kiss me. I, realising what was happening, also leaned in, meeting his lips half way, the water pouring down on us and down our faces like tears. Fireworks exploded in my mind as all the heat rose up to my face.

This was the perfect evening after all.

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