Chapter 36

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'Mum go away!' I shouted, as the banging at my door went on.

I lifted my head from my pillow as I observed the tear marks I had left there.

'I'm sorry you have to see me like this.' I sniffed, as I smiled to Luke who was video chatting with me through Skype.

He smiled, bringing more tears to my eyes.

'How many times have I told you?' He asked, leaning in closer to the camera. 'You look beautiful when you cry. It just hurts to know that I'm the reason.' He fidgeted with his fingers, unable to look up at the camera. 'Maybe you shouldn't have come to Sydney. Maybe we should've never met again...' He trailed off.

'Luke don't be stupid,' I laughed, turning over to face my iPad. 'You know you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.' I smiled, his electrifying blue eyes losing it's color due to the bad quality camera.

'Well not to brag or anything...' He laughed, flipping imaginary hair off his shoulder like a girl.

'Oh shut it, Hemmings.' I ordered, sitting up on my bed.

'Hey hey hey.' He said, putting his hands up as if to surrender. 'Your words not mine.'

Talking to Luke always made things better, but it also left a hole in my heart.

He stared at me through the camera, making me shift a little with uncomfortableness.

'Luke, why are you staring at me?' I whispered.

He snapped his head up and looked around.

'What? No I wasn't...uhm. No...I. No I wasn't.' He stammered, his eyes darting around the room.

'Are you sure?' I challenged, crossing my legs under me.

'Yes.' He answered.

'Are you lying?' I raised my eyebrows up at him.

'Yes.' He sighed, a small smile tugging at his lips.

What a dork.

'It's amazing though.' He continued biting his lip. 'That even though we're so far away from each other, we still seem to click as soon as we start talking again. Like magic.' He widened his eyes ironically.

'Like magic.' I whispered, agreeing with him.

'Reb, I'm coming in.' My mum called from outside.

I sighed heavily. The best part of my day, ruined once again.

'Luke I gotta go.' I pouted, making him pout too.

'Bye babe I love you and miss youuuu.' He said, blowing me kissed. 'And please, try not to cry so much. For me?' He asked, putting his hands to his heart.

'I'll try.' I promised him.

Then he peered closer to me and looked into my eyes.

'Where's the necklace?' He whispered, his face suddenly serious.

I widened my eyes as I remembered. I hadn't picked it up after Honey had thrown it this morning.

Seeing the door handle turn, I faced Luke quickly.

'I'll explain tomorrow, I gotta go byeee.' I ended the call, Luke's puzzled face the last thing I saw.

'Honey, are you ok?' My mum asked, as I wiped my tears off of my face.

'Yes mum I'm fine.' I said, suddenly aching to know if my necklace was ok. The only thing that connected me to Luke was gone.

'Doesn't look like it.' She commented, titling her face to the side.

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