Chapter 20

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The mass started out quite normal. Nothing special, really. I could smell the interesting smell of all the perfumes people were wearing in the church mixed together. I looked around, trying not to make it too obvious, and searched for any cute boys. There were three of them sitting next to each other, one with shockingly green hair. My heart skipped a beat. Maybe I would speak to them later.

Mass dragged on until a particular time were everyone was perfectly silent. Me, lost in my prayers, was angry to hear the church door slam shut, obviously revealing someone who had come just a little late. I turned around, anxious to see who this person was.

And I saw the most beautiful boy ever. His hair was nicely quiffed and his perfect face turned slightly red, obviously embarrassed. Then I realised; I knew this boy, but from where? He quickly walked over to the three other boys I had spotted before, trying to ignore all the staring faces.

Two or three times, I caught him staring at me, which should have made me feel good. But it didn't. Because the looks he was giving me weren't those of affection or admiration. He was just staring at me hard, with a blank face. No emotion. Ok, he was a creep- to my disappointment.

After the mass, we finally moved on to the party. I stayed with Sophie, trying my best to get to know her a bit more all over again. She was sweet but nowhere as bold and fun as Roxy. My mind kept drifting off to the blond, tall boy making it hard for me to concentrate on anything. I was sure I knew him.

Before I could think into more detail about the mysterious beautiful boy, everyone gathered around, ready for dancing. I gladly joined in too, willing to have a good time. The music started and everyone just kind of went along with it, including me. But then, my heart stopped as a slow song came on. This wasn't going to end well.

Suddenly, I was being pulled by strong arms. I turned only to see that it was him. The beautiful boy who I couldn't stop thinking about since the moment he had walked in. I must have looked shocked because he instantly let go of my hands and said softly:

'May I have this dance?'

Asdfgghhjkkllllllll, I thought, but calmly said, 'Yes, of course.'

He smiled. Woah. Never had I seen such a perfect smile in my life. His dimple just made everything so much better and that lip ring was making me die inside. He was hot. His broad shoulders just looked so good in the black suit he was wearing and his legs were just...I couldn't even describe them. Sex. That was the word I was looking for.

Then I looked up into his blue eyes and I knew. He was the boy from my dreams. The boy that kept me up so many nights, the boy who made me wake up panting because I needed to get to him. He was real. I couldn't understand it though. How could this all be happening?

My head started aching slightly, so I just let everything go with the flow. Our eyes locked as we danced across the room, our bodies fitting perfectly into each other's even though he was so much taller than me. To my disappointment, the song ended way too soon. He stepped back and took a bow, making me laugh.

Moving to one side, he finally spoke to me, but the words that came out weren't what I expected.

'Why didn't you tell me you were coming? You could've sent a text or something!' He blurted out.

Wait, what?

'Excuse me, I-I don't know you..' I stammered, suddenly feeling powerless under his height.

All he did was stare at me. And then he smiled his gorgeous sexy smile.

'Okay, stop playing Reb. I know my last email might have been slightly hurtful, but I thought you'd understand. I couldn't live without you and I couldn't wait to see you again. And now you're here, no warning, nothing. You just appear looking like an angel and you expect me to handle this...?' He trailed off, realising that I wasn't answering.

'I'm sorry.' I repeated again. 'I honestly don't know you. You seem really sweet, and you look really good in a tux, but I don't know you.' I answered, truthfully, looking up to see his expression.

'Rebby, it's me. Luke. What are you saying babe?'

I looked around, a little scared. What was I meant to do?

Just then three boys walked up to us smiling.

'Rebbbbbbb I didn't know you'd be coming. Jeez thanks for telling us, Luke.' He one with the green hair said, lightly punching Luke on the shoulder then leaning in to give me a hug.

Uhh what was happening? All I managed to do, in my confusion was stand there with my mouth opening and closing like a fish.

'Looking very beautiful tonight, Reb.' The one with the curly hair said, also leaning in to give me a hug. He had a cute smile.

'We missed you loadsssss.' The last one said, doing like his friends and giving me a warm hug.

The tall blond one was still watching me, and noticing the blank look on my face, made him pale with worry.

'Reb?' He asked, making the other boys look at me with a confused look on their faces.

'I'm sorry.' I said, breaking the silence. 'I don't know any of you.'

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